Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hello, I'm Miss College. Please, Call Me Suzette.

UPDATE: I'm home now, but I wrote this while waiting in the airport for my flight. 

I’m sitting in the airport on my way home. From my first year of college. Please tell me I’m dreaming! There’s no way that I’m old enough to be doing this!

Okay, so I have decided to embrace my love for lists and make a couple of them.

Things I won't miss about college

  1. A lot of stress and responsibility. I mean you are required to do everything on your own.
  2. Figuring out your eating and exercise schedule. I mean, how easy is it to eat and eat and eat whatever you want and then to make an excuse that you don’t have time to workout. Pa-lease!
  3. So many goodbyes. People just seem to come and go, whether you like it or not.

Well, I really can’t think of anything else.

Things I will miss about college
  1.  You learn so much. I still remember things I learned my first semester: Gothic Cathedral architecture, writing a personal narrative, physical science, etc. I even still remember most of the amendments after memorizing them and regurgitating them for the test.
  2. You meet amazing, inspirational people. I mean, I am so motivated by their determination and their faith. 
  3. I get to live on my own. I get to decide about when I eat and sleep. How late I can be out (except for, not going to lie, this semester was spent mostly indoors…in my apt. or in the library. But, hey, my grades show it!).
  4. I have learned how to effectively study. I mean, I studied for chemistry for 18 hours. In high school, I couldn’t even study for an hour.
  5. There are cute, dateable guys in college. Not that there nonexistent anywhere else. But, you do get more options on a big campus.
  6. Every accomplishment done on your own feels that much sweeter. Every time I got around town on my own, I felt successful. Every time I made a wholesome, edible meal I felt accomplished. Every time I got through a really long, tough day--and could still smile and laugh--I felt blessed. 
As you can clearly see, the pros outweigh the cons. Outcome? I think I'm meant for college. :) Maybe I am a lot more grown up and capable than I give myself credit. Who knows!

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