Friday, April 8, 2011

Doctrine, Dancing, Disney, oh my!

I don't have much time to write today, so I will keep it brief.

Daily Q: If you could learn about anything in the world, what do you want to know most? Why?

A: Of course I pick a general one. Okay, I'd love to know who my husband is going to be, understand everything about chemistry, understand all the finances of the world, and finally, how to become the best mom I can be. I think all of those are pretty important.

Yesterday started off as kind of a downer. I had to cancel our ward race. Not too excited about that. But, I kept praying I could notice the joys that day.

I had my last Book of Mormon class yesterday with Brother Marsh.
Brother Marsh, Book of Mormon teacher

He really is a great teacher. He opened my eyes to the temptations in society. Stuff we sometimes ignore or overlook.

I had my Folk Dance practical test. I couldn't stop the point of laughter...which hopefully got me bonus points. I have learned about Hungarian, Irish, English, American, Japanese, Ukrainian, Israeli, and other folk dances. It kept me cultured while adding frivolity to my day!

Something I was really proud of about yesterday was I actually put together a realistic monthly budget for me on "Seriously, guys, they're the best" (Homestar Runner). Minus rent and tuition, I can actually live within my means. I just have to work on increasingly making Million Dollar Choices and living well below my means. It's gonna be great.

Dr. Scott Marsh
Here's a link of my Personal Finance teacher (Also Brother/Dr. Marsh): The professor is a genius with finances!

Then, finally, at work I was able to get a huge pledge from a BYU alumni. I couldn't believe it! This lady helped give me hope in humanity. Not only that, but I really have the best job ever because it's Disney-themed week. So, basically, I get to watch Disney movies for four hours. And get paid for it. Yesterday we watched Tangled, Aladdin, and some of Toy Story 3.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention my mishap of a lunch. I was making grilled asparagus, while also preparing dinner. I added in uncooked rice to my casserole. So, that took like an extra hour to cook. Then, I tried making boiled eggs for deviled eggs, but the shells stuck to the white of the eggs. It was quite pathetic-looking. I just laughed because I'm still learning! It's a process, not a talent of mine. :) Let's just hope my future family isn't picky.

Daily Q 4 U: If you could learn about anything in the world, what do you want to know most? Why?

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