Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Stars to Steer By

I'm always thinking that I can never finish anything. I always start off strong, and then give up.

But, as I was cleaning up my blog, I realized, I had accomplished almost all of my summer goals. Even my semester goals which I thought I had failed at, I really accomplished them (maybe in a different way, but I did it).

Summer Goals!
I did some family history work. Granted not a lot, but I took the Sunday School class. The testimony I developed there helped me begin indexing and actually diving into the new FamilySearch website. In fact, I found some of my ancestors this past week!

We did family scripture study. I tried it out; it wasn't entirely successful, but I learned that it is a lot harder to do. However, I know I saw a difference in each one of us. I know that it is not impossible, nor is it a waste of time.

I earned three times as much money as I thought I would! I have no doubt this is a miracle. I had help.

Go camping? Check! I went to Girls' Camp. That definitely counts.

Read enjoyable books. Yes! I really developed a love again for literature. There is something unique you can learn from each book, character, and author. It helps me appreciate the scriptures more too! I can appreciate those people more. And they're actually real, not fiction.

Read Jane Austen. This surprisingly helped me with patience and gentlemen this semester. Persuasion taught me that I don't need to rush things with any guy. It takes time. And it gives you time to grow as a person.

Read my childhood favorites. Not only did it bring back an element of nostalgia, but it reminded me of the principles I grew to learn as a kid. I wanted so desperately to have the adventures of Rowan, or of the Two Princesses of Bamarre, but I never really understood the adventures that I did have. I was brave! I did stand up for what I believed in, even when I felt alone.

I did go shopping. No doubt on that one. I think I realized what that I can develop a "style" that doesn't have to fit a specific one. I don't need to thrive off of the likes of others.

Run a Race. Check! It was crazy hard. Trust me and Christ Anthony when we say it kicked our butts. But, I now know how to run a half-marathon. :)

Work on Personal Progress. Yes, but I am slowly accomplishing it. Maybe that's the way it is supposed to happen.

Make a scrapbook. While I didn't physically put one together, I did organize my memorabilia and my pictures on my laptop. That's super important. I just wish scrapbooking didn't take so much darn time! If anyone has any tips for me, please! Help!

Sleep. I did do that.

Watch Disney Movies. I satisfied my craving.

I got to babysit. Check! They really do keep my imagination alive.

Run/Workout 5 times a week. I did this. Consistently. All summer. If I ever doubt myself in consistency, I need to remind myself that I did this. While some days, it was a jog around the block or a kickboxing class, I knew that if I gave up one day, it would be easy to give up the next day. Once you do it for about 2 weeks, you don't want to ruin your winning streak!

Go to a Blossom Concert. I saw one with my dad. It was a Pirates of the Caribbean showing with the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra playing in the background. I felt like Daddy's little girl again. And he said quite sentimentally that he's proud of me. Can I just testify that you experience precious moments when you spend one-on-one time with your parents?

I did go to the temple monthly (this whole year!) I think I missed one month, but I made up for it. I love the temple!

Semester Goals?
-Read half of the Book of Mormon with my apartment. Okay, we tried. Again, it's hard! While I still struggle reading in groups, I can say that I will be halfway done with the Book of Mormon by the end of the year.

-Work out 5 times a week. Again, another goal applied in a different way. I went to the doctor because my foot had been bothering me. I was basically overusing a muscle in my foot. Anyways, I worked out when I could. I ran at 11pm, 12pm, etc. I would go swimming. I would take long walks when I needed to cool off. I came to realize that working out is a stress reliever. It shouldn't add more stress to your life! We're all looking at it wrong!

-Get all As this semester. While they weren't all As, I did get all As and A-s. And that, my friends, is a huge feat. Especially with that chemistry and the calculus.

My yearly goals. My biggest goal was to focus on forgiveness. Never have I taken a New Year's resolution more seriously. And my goal did not go unchallenged. I did have many opportunities to apply this lesson, even to myself. I can now say I have a strong testimony in forgiveness. I know that by forgiving others, we will be forgiven. Through forgiveness, we become more like our Savior.

My other one was to be healthy! My weight or my size didn't matter as much as my health. I learned this a lot in my nutrition class. I love planning out my meals for a day! Seriously, go to choosemyplate.gov and try it. It actually reduces a lot of stress in trying to think "Hmm, what am I going to eat for lunch now?" It gives you time to focus on other things throughout the day. It gives you a chance to practice self control. For example, I sometimes get tempted to gorge on chocolate. But, I tell myself, I can have a piece after dinner. Let's wait till then. AND, while some of you might find this less valuable, that website helps you meet every FDA food group requirement. I am getting all the nutrients I need, and that's a relief!

Well this post is really to remind myself that I can do hard things. I found this quote in my mom's quote journal from her mission:

We make goals for ourselves to improve. I have really learned how to set realistic goals, whether they be financial, social, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. I know I am not perfect; but, I also know that my Heavenly Father expects me to improve! I am so grateful for progress! 

I'll be adding new 2012 goals to my blog. I'd love to hear anyone's feedback on their goals. I'd love some more ideas. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Semestre Trois

It's good to be back home. 

And be back on my blog again. I had a nice little breakup. 

Yet here I am, 1:30 in the morning. It almost seems typical of me to put off my urge to blog till the most inconvenient time. When my fingers have the need to type out some life-long learning lesson. Or a simple quip about something insignificant. 

I should probably review what happened these last couple of months. Third semester in college. Yay! What a blast! It was way hard, mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally taxing. I was stretched in many ways I didn't think possible. I saw miracles happen. I know I was being tested in many ways that didn't involve a Scantron. 
Dude I wish I looked this adorable as a kid! 
I learned about calculus. I learned many things about derivatives and integrals. I know how to make a circle using a polar equation. If I really tried, I could probably make an equation for a smiley face (there was actually a problem in my book that asked that; thankfully, my teacher didn't assign that problem).

 I (somewhat) know how much work it takes to empty out a tank, or pull up a bucket of water with a pulley system. I know how to find the convergence of a series. 

I learned about chemistry. I finally learned what titration and buffers actually are. I learned about radiation, and that gamma radiation usually accompanies alpha and beta decay. Woah! I know more about organic chemistry, and it actually sticks because I can apply it to nutritional science. I know about hydrocarbons and how to name them. Yes, I do how to draw the molecule 3,3-dichlorobutyraldehyde or N, N-dimethylbenzamide. How cool is that?! 

In my other chemistry class, I learned that precision takes patience. I gained a lot of patience re-caliberating my burette, or redoing an experiment that I had inaccurate results for. I also learned that Zinc Sulfide produces a yellow gas when dissolved in H2SO4 and then heated in boiling water. I learned that I am pretty good at memorizing procedures, especially when I need to know what ions are in the precipitate when I add, say, HCl. 

I learned about Nutritional Science. By far my favorite class. After having switched from Cultural Anthropology and then to Civil Engineering, I took this class a little wary that I might not like it as much as I would hope. I was wrong. I learned the many lies that plague the nutrition industry. I learned how to properly balance my diet. I learned that it's not that hard, and it's quite fun! 
Mmm some chicken pot pie

I learned that I should be getting about 2400 calories a day when I am physically active about an hour a day. I know that I should have 3c. of veggies, 2c. of fruits, 6.5 oz. of protein, 8oz. of grain (1/2 whole wheat), and 3c. of milk. I realized I don't drink enough milk! I also realized there are many small steps I can take to help bring more food security to people. Buy locally! Really recycle. Eat more produce. Become more self-reliant, then help promote self-reliance rather than donating goods/money. It's better to teach a man to fish than to bring him a fish. 

I learned about relationships in my LDS Marriage and Family class. This class was by far the biggest surprise class for me. I thought I would hate it! But, I came to understand more about the eternal importance of families, and a spouse. Though I am not married, I got to work on the relationships that I am involved in (talking about my family, friends, and myself). I can't believe how poorly I had treated them! I learned to be a better listener. I learned that all of my dating blunders are only for a moment in time. In the meantime, I need to become the person worthy to marry. So, no rush. I learned how important it is to learn the "love language" of the person whom you love. It's not enough to love them the way you like to be loved. Pay attention to their responses to certain expressions of love. 

I learned that we all have a divine role as a wife/husband and mother/father. We exhibited extraordinary faith in the pre-existence, thus we are blessed with raising children of God. :) Let's all live up to that potential. 

I learned about Christ. In my New Testament class, I learned about the parables and miracles of Christ. More importantly, how they apply to my life. I know that Jesus Christ is real, and he had a mortal experience just like I am going through. How cool is that? I learned that true charity has to cost you something. It's not charity unless you are "out" something. 
One of my favorite stories: Zacchaeus the publican
Think about it. Test it out. Truly stretch yourself. It can't just mean something to the other person, it has to mean something to you. It's not like a white elephant gift. I know that I can ask in prayer for miracles. And they do happen! Dare ya to try! I know that the Book of Mormon follows the gospel of Christ in the Bible. They go hand-in-hand. 

Someday, I'm going to look back at this and truly appreciate writing what I learned from my third semester in college. It's great to get that out of my system! I love this gospel! I love my family, they mean the world to me! 

Life's hard, guys. But, the gospel is not. It makes life better and doable! We are working towards eternal life.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What Does He Mean to You

So, for my New Testament class, our reading assignment was the Bible Dictionary: Christ, names of. I am a list person all the way! I love making lists. And this is a long list. But, I want everyone to know these! And that I have a testimony of Jesus Christ.

-Seed of the woman
-the Prophet
-Mighty God
-Everlasting Father
-Prince of Peace
-Stem of Jesse
-Mighty One of Jacob
-Servant of the Lord
-Servant of Jehovah
-the Lord of our righteousness
-the Messiah
-the Messenger of the covenant
-Holy One
-Holy One of Israel
-Blessed of God
-The son of David
-The son of Abraham
-The son of Mary
-Joseph's son
-the carpenter's son
-the carpenter
-Jesus of Galilee
-Jesus of Nazareth
-A Nazarene
-the beloved Son of God
-the Son of the living God
-Son of the most high God
-the Son of the Blessed
-Son of the Highest
-God's holy child Jesus
-Only begotten of the Father
-One with the Father
-the Lord's Christ
-the Christ of God
-the chosen of God
-the Messias
-God's anointed
-the Lamb of God
-A teacher come from God
-He that cometh in the name of the Lord
-the King that cometh in the name of the Lord
-meek and lowly
-the prophet of Nazareth
-a prophet
-the prophet
-King of the Jews
-Governor that shall rule Israel
-King of Israel
-King of Sion
-the consolation of Israel
-Savior of Israel
-the Savior of the world
-the Lord
-the Lord Jesus
But wait, there's more!
-Lord of all
-Lord of the sabbath
-the Word
-the Light
-the bread of life
-the living bread
-the light of the world
-the door of the sheep
-the good shepherd
-the resurrection and the life
-the way, the truth, and the life
-the true vine
-the vine
-the Holy One and the Just
-the Just One
-the Prince of Life
-a prince
-Judge of quick and dead
-a righteous man
-A propitiation through faith
-the end of the law for righteousness
-the deliverer
-Lord both of dead and living
-a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God
-the power of God and the wisdom of God
-Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption unto us
-He sanctifieth the people by his blood
-our passover
-By whom are all things, and we by him
-By whom God made the worlds
-the spiritual rock
-the head of every man
-captain of man's salvation
-propitiation for the sins of the whole world
-one body
-the first-fruits of them that slept
-the forerunner
-the Lord from heaven
-Not yea and nay, but in him was yea
-the image of God
-the express image of God's person
-the only wise God our Savior
-Who knew no sin
-Separate from sinners
-Did no sin
-Blessed for evermore
-Consecrated for evermore
-Who gave himself for our sins
-Suffered for us
-Bare our sins in his own body
-the seed of Abraham
-Of the seed of David
-Made of a woman, made under the law
-Our peace
-the chief cornerstone
-A living stone, disallowed of men, but chosen of God and precious
-An offering and sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savor
-foundation of the Church
-the head of the Church
-the Savior of the body
-the Savior
-our Savior
-Savior of the world
-the hope of glory
Anyways, there's more! But, I don't think it'll fit all in this post.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nut Sci

Well, I considered starting a new blog for this. Nah!

I'm a Nutritional Science major. So, not only do I like chemistry, but I also like food and learning about it. By circumstance, I came across the Nutrition and Dietetics section in the library today. I rented book there for the first time! Anyways!

This book showed me a couple misguiding emotions that lead to overeating. I really liked this because I've been there, done that! In fact, just today I felt the need to reward myself with chocolate and ice cream for the rad job I did today on my Calc test.

But, I thought I could show ya'll some false triggers to our hunger and then I thought I would try new things to combat these feelings.

Boredom: There's nothing interesting to do. I tend to want to eat in my boring classes. The taste of the food makes the lecture better! :) Or, when I'm waiting for something to happen. Or maybe I really am bored (though, I find that hard in college).

Solution? If life seems to be filled with too much boredom, find a new hobby! Meet new people! Or if boredom seems to come in classes, find something that interests you in the class. Try harder at really understanding the concepts and enjoying the class!

Loneliness: When there's just no boy or girl in your life! It can be hard. I know my roommates and I will sometimes spend our weekend nights studying or going out to eat 'cause guess who doesn't have boyfriends! Not that being single is a bad thing, it just can be overwhelming at times.

Solution? Surround yourself with people that matter to you. If you're really struggling with loneliness, call up your family. Talk with people. The last thing you want to do is start chowing down in your lonesome.

Annoyance: Sometimes, your plans fall through. You lose your assignment. You forget to turn something in. It happens! And you feel like you need something to pick you up. Cue in ice cream.

Solution? Life is not perfect. These things happen. What matters is that you deal with them in a positive way. Realize that eating--especially when you're not hungry--won't fix the problem. Think positively about the situation. THEN MOVE ON. Don't dwell on a silly little problem.

Jealousy: That girl is so pretty, fashionable, smart, etc. They are so good at their job. They get the cutest boys. Yeah, we all know that type, and it's never us, right?

Solution: To me, it seems like a life-long learning experience, but I need not compare myself to others. They are not perfect. Instead of eating away these feelings of jealousy, let them know how much you admire them! Or, ask them how they seem so successful. This will help you improve by learning from the experiences of others. Don't get discouraged either! This doesn't mean you need to resort to food.

Anger: Whether it be the test you didn't pass, or the boy who's a jerk, or a roommate, you are ticked off! You feel like food will adequately suppress this feeling. It will "temporarily" make you forget about the problem.

Solution: Let's be honest here: when was the last time this actually worked? Usually, I eat something in this moment of angst, then I feel even more upset with myself that I ate that doughnut. Or two. I think what I need to realize is that overeating will just make me more upset, especially at myself. Basically, you can't satisfy your emotions on food.


Need for reward:


Yeah, I probably won't finish these for a while. I'm super tired though, so I'm gonna go to bed. I hope this has given you something to think about. Remember, our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. He also wants us to grow, learn, and progress. Apply this to your health. And you body image. Realize you're imperfection are perfect in the eyes of our Father in Heaven. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bachelorette, but more importantly, a Princess

"Dude, Suzette! You're the Bachelorette!"

Huh? What was Eric talking about? I knew I had signed up for a Bachelor/Bachelorette thing at my work. I thought it was a bunch of guys going on a bunch of dates with girls. Nope. There's only one Bachelorette. And as Eric said, they chose me.

My theory? It's because my names rhymes with it.

Mkay. Here's what I imagine in a bachelorette:

Case and point.

Haha, just go with it! I've gone on one "Bachelorette" date so far. It was really fun! I went to my first BYU football game this year. And the guy got me the hook-up in the rich people tent with the catered food. Yum! 

The weirdest part is that I can't tell if those in charge of it seriously want me engaged or not by the end of this semester...SMSL (Save My Single Life)! 

On the upside, I have gotten myself bejumbled in a mess of boys and feelings. Wait, upside? Yeah, um, it's a mess. But, the more joy the actual thing will be after all of this. The awkward moments, the mess-ups, the forgiveness, the break-ups, the NCMOs, the broken wittle hearts will be worth it. I just want my future kids to know they're going to get the best daddy ever. ;) I'll make sure of that! 

I'll whip him into shape! 

But, I've got some personal training I have to do before I can even think about becoming a "professional trainer"/Kung Fu master.

Let us run with patience the race that is set before us. -Hebrew 12:1

I want to bear my testimony that every thing in this life is for our experience so that we may live with our Heavenly Father again. I know that despite all the pains of the single life, He wants us to be happy. And someday, we will be extremely happy with our eternal companion! Even if you have to kiss a lot of frogs, or endure the title of "Suzette the Bachelorette," I still believe we will all find Prince Charming. I do still believe in Happily Ever After. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

If You're Happy And You Know It!

Sometimes I feel like blogging fills that void for single girls. Maybe that's why I've had such a hard time blogging lately!

I have been seriously considering the plan of happiness for me. I mean, really, we tell everyone that this plan is to make us happy. But, do I stop and consider that?

I have gone through a roller coaster of emotions. At times, I feel like I am repeating the same mistakes of the past. Other times, I feel like I am becoming an entirely and disgustingly new person.

There are many people I can turn to to express my emotions. You might not ever realize how important that is to me, especially with my emotional state a couple years ago. However, I have come to realize that this is all good advice. I can talk off another person's ear about my concerns and feelings. They can give me suggestions.

But, the words of prophets are not just good advice. They are words filled with divine truth. Inspired by God to help us with our trials.

"Sisters, wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love.

Please never forget that you must be patient and compassionate with yourselves, that some sacrifices are better than others, that you need not wait for a golden ticket to be happy. Please never forget that the 'why' of the gospel of Jesus Christ will inspire and uplift you. And never forget that your Heavenly Father knows, loves, and cherishes you." -President Uchtdorf

These are the words of a prophetic voice to the sisters of the world. These are meant for me, and you. I do not need to prolong my happiness. Happiness should be all around me! 

You may not know where this is coming from. Lately, I have been seriously considering the ideas of dating, courtship, and marriage. These things in our single lives are not easy. They can try us, and tempt us. But, ultimately they are there to bring us happiness: FAMILY! And this will lead us to salvation! 
Mom and little sis. Makes me laugh every time! 
Jesus Christ made this possible. Let's not let Him down. :) 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Nostalgia and New Beginnings

Alright, so college happened. I didn't die...literally. It's been a hard four weeks. I transitioned into college in one day. My family sent off a missionary: Chantelle Rovelsky! I moved into off-campus housing. I have been running/swimming 5 days a week. Working 14 hours a week. Oh, did I mention school? Please feel free to pray for me in calculus. I'm spending hours a day studying that subject and it always seems to throw me a curveball. I also have been blessed with great roommates, and wonderful men who take me on dates. 

Sometimes it's really hard to find me time. However, I'm not here to complain. That's not what my blog is for! My blog is to help me become a better disciple of Christ. And, there are so many little things that make the day seem sweeter. 

Lion King 3D. This made my day. No, it made my week. I love this movie. It reminds me so refreshingly of my childhood. Of the simplicity of cozying up and watching a Disney movie. Popcorn popping in the microwave. Mom's homemade slushies dripping down our crazy colorful outfits. Oh, and of course turning our couch into "Pride Rock." 

Or listening to Disney music in the morning to start off my day. It's marvelous! It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 

Maybe, it's the feel of fall in the air. The brisk breeze that reminds me of piles of leaves. Crazy fun days of a new school year. And now, the potential of cozying up over hot cocoa with someone special (I don't want to mention any names; that would open a Pandora's box!). 

Special things like having apostles come speak at my school. Having two apostles in one week? Unreal! 

Allowing for fun! Like when we shot rifles for FHE. It was such a pleasant night. And, I actually shot two pigeons (don't worry, Monique; they weren't REAL pigeons)! I cannot believe that, because I just loaded and shot with faith! 

Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes. It comes in packages from my parents of my ice cream maker and a blender. It comes in an over-sized guitar case that came through the hands of many angels in my life. Happiness comes in spending half an hour on one calc problem and getting the right answer the first time! It comes in that giddy feeling that you know a cute boy finds something fascinating about you. Happiness comes in that act of service or sacrifice for a friend or maybe a stranger. It comes through daily prayer and scripture study. Happiness comes in clean underwear! It comes in new, healthy groceries that promise fun, appetizing meals! Happiness comes when I talk to an alumnus on the phone and they donate because he or she loves BYU. 

I'm sorry I sound repetitive. But, writing this makes me realize how great I really have it. :) I hope this is a little insight into what's happened these last 4 weeks. It's been an adventure! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

I learned...

It's the eve of the school year and all through the house,
no one else was stirring
besides Suzette the louse.

Why yes, it is 2:15 am and I am the only person up. Why am I blogging? Well, I need to capture this moment.

What have I learned this summer might you ask? I learned how to stand on my own, and on my own testimony. I realized that I had a strength within me that came from following the Lord. I learned how to laugh and love unconditionally. I learned how to be a good waitress...and how to be a good customer. I RElearned the love of reading. I learned that friends are not hard to come by, but keeping the good ones takes hard work, and forgiveness. I learned that no matter how cheesy a TV show is, it still can motivate you in the worst of times. I learned that making money is not as hard as controlling the urge to spend it. I learned that working out 5 days a week makes you 10x more confident in yourself. I learned that I love having guy friends! I don't need to feel marriage-bound with every guy I meet! I learned that it'll be hard raising a family, but that it will be worth it. I learned that roller coasters and tiny, girl pockets equal broken phones. I learned that homeless people have stories too; and they are willing to share if you but take the time to listen. I learned that dates are much appreciated! I learned some fantastic culinary tricks and recipes to eat healthy this semester. Most importantly, I learned further that Jesus Christ is my Savior. That Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. And through the power of prayer and the priesthood, the gospel has been restored and the Book of Mormon brought forth for our day.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Finding Truth In Art, Science, and History

My mom keeps asking me what my favorite part of Washington D.C. was. I enjoyed the museums, the food, the people. But, honestly my favorite part was seeing Christ in everything.

At the National Gallery of Art, I saw predominately Renaissance artwork and sculptures. Those famous artists depicted the life of Christ. They knew the importance of His life, and His suffering in the Atonement. Those artists wanted to portray the feelings they felt and what those close to the Savior felt. Why? Because He is real and our Savior. I was so touched by this Renaissance/Medieval artwork section because the artists had faith in a Higher Being. How often does our perception of artistic people lean towards the faithless? They seem to push the boundaries now, instead of trying to understand life's meaning.

Then, the artist portrayal of the ideal woman stood out to me too. They showed mythological goddesses of wisdom and strength, clothed in flowing feminine gowns. The women’s strength did not come from stealing man’s strength; rather, these women found their divine nature in other ways: service, charity, understanding, maternal instinct, sweetness, wisdom, wit, etc. I kept thinking: How can I be like these women? Confident in themselves and their purpose. I know who I am and what my purpose is; now, I just have to constantly develop that understanding. It might take a lifetime, but the important thing is to try everyday.

The experience in the Natural History museum was not entirely different. Though the two worlds of art and science seem at odds, they have a common element of the Savior. Our artwork can be an expression of our love towards him. And natural history is an expression of His love towards us. I remember observing the gems and precious stones and thinking, He gave us these! He gave us these precious jewels. And yet, he always says that we’re more valuable than them. A virtuous woman is worth more than a ruby! The way people flocked to the gems of the world made me think how precious we really are.

Even in the Evolution exhibit. I do not know everything on how change in nature occurs. However, I do think Heavenly Father is understanding of people that are just trying to figure out where they came from. They get confused; but that doesn’t mean He doesn’t love them.

The Natural History museum made me happy for mankind! We were genuinely interested in the world that our Heavenly Father gave to us. People are eager to discover new life in the deepest, darkest waters. Even in that darkness, He provided light!

The hardest part was probably the Holocaust museum. I do not understand why those human beings needed to go through so much suffering and pain. I can only imagine Satan’s insurmountable influence in this tragedy. And while I have had a much better life than those poor souls, I do know that our Heavenly Father does love those people. I can imagine Him watching as His people suffer: the pain that He must felt. I can also imagine the open arms He extended once those precious souls reached heaven. I can only imagine the sacred place reserved for those victims, or victims of any human inhumanity. What I do know is that despite this inhumanity, people were true to their faith. One survivor said, “This should teach everyone to never, never, ever give up.” They prayed and showed gratitude for what they did have. The girl’s passport that I had was a Jehovah’s witness. She chose to be imprisoned because she would not denounce her religion. These are the people that I admire. Even though they never had the fullness of truth on this Earth, what truth they did know they clung to. They would not let anyone take that away from them. The people I feel sorry for were those that had nothing to believe in.

  My dad asked me when we were in the hotel who was the person that influenced me the most. He started rambling about some of the people that did influence me. But, my answer came like a little burning inside. I said, though somewhat lightheartedly, “Jesus Christ!” He really did play a huge role on me this past year. And, I know that He has played a hand in my entire life, as well as the lives of those from the Renaissance, geologists, scientists, and Holocaust victims. He cares. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I feel almost a responsibility to write this post write now. I just finished my last day at wing warehouse. Weird. I am going to miss those bunch of misfits. I learned so much there. I felt mostly a duty to myself to blog about the people.

1) Steve. Imagine a typical fisherman type with an earring and a tattoo or two. Built sturdy and strong. But, contrast that with his goofy smile and glasses that give off a wittier side. He loves to joke around, and spend time with his kids. He picked a flower from the back once because he said I deserved something pretty. He also would give me massages when we were slow or dead at work.

2) Ed. The Head. Cook. When I first met him, I was nervous around him. And, he seemed to get along well with other girls, but not me. He has a larger built; however, in recent months he's been losing weight. His teeth are a little discolored from his chewing tobacco. But, it doesn't make his smiles less spirited. He had small beady eyes too. However, most people automatically notice his pants (he's been called Mr. Funny Pants before). The patterns and colors burst from his bandana down to his toes. What I love most about him is his sincerity. He actually is a priest at his church! I never would've seen that coming! I was utterly shocked that someone else was religious there too! Ed is a fantastic cook (he let me try a stuffed mushroom he made for his church) which he attributes to his mother.

3) Tracey. After our old manager took her pregnancy leave, I was introduced to this perky mom and now manager. Her short, bright burgundy hair is her standout trait. I can't help but smile at the way her whole face beams when she smiles. She's bubbly, but also firm. She knows how to run a business.  Come to find out she's the mother of my old manager at Subway. Small world! But, most importantly, every time I hear "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars, I think of Tracey's little bop she'd do.

4) Angie. Now, I never really knew what to think of older ladies as waitresses. To be honest, I thought they were "second-class." While I feel terrible writing this, I can resolutely say Angie and Julie (I'll get to her) have changed my opinion. They are magnificent servers with a talent for working with people. I think it could be their maternal instinct in them. I can't talk about Angie without mentioning her confidence in her body, specifically her derriere! She would often kid around about it. I still remember my last night of training with her while she'd shadow me with her fierce brown bob hairstyle and bold, silver hoop earrings the size of my fist. Again she loves her little angels very much, and frequently whips out her phone to get a snapshot of their cuteness.

5) Laticia. If you saw this girl, you would NOT think she had a kid with how petite her frame is. She'd occasionally wear her thick-rimmed glasses with fit her face well with her striking blonde, shoulder length hair. The best was her facial expressions. Her looks of disbelief, sarcasm, and annoyance never ceased to amuse me.

6) Brittany P. Another girl down the same road as Laticia in that she's petite, but significantly shorter. She's also got these big eyes that contrast with her dark tanned skin. And don't let her size fool you. What she lacks in height, she makes up for in her temperament. I thought she'd hate me and rip me to shreds. I honestly thought I'd end a night with her screaming at me. However, as she told me later, she doesn't hate a lot of people. She can get annoyed and lose her temper, but she doesn't hate them. She speaks her mind, which is something I admire. I'll never forget when she told her boyfriend about me and how I was the girl who brought in the delicious brownies and gave her a free kid's pass to the zoo. I think after that she found me tolerable. I also admire her love for her son in that she tattooed his birthday in Roman numerals on her neck.

7) Randy. You know, when I was applying for the job, Randy actually came out of the kitchen and said to me, "I just started here. Trust me, you don't want to work here." I looked him up and down, staring at his goofy getup. His looks classify him as a typical "gangster" but his eyes give away his kindness. I'll always remember that goofy smirk he'd give me with that dark brown goatee and mustache.  Then, he'd walk away, showing off the Mickey on the back of his hat. I gave him a Book of Mormon. I keep praying that he'll read it. I need to get his number to give to the missionaries. I hope there's still time before I leave.

Alright, that's all I have time for tonight. More to come. I hope you get a taste of the people there. I felt misplaced at first; but, just like in a family, they adopted me in. They found room for me. And even though we may look different or have different beliefs or even completely different lifestyles, we all wore that crazy little chicken and a memorable phrase on our shirts:
"If it's not on your face, you ain't eatin it right"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

(23) Days of Summer

I neeed sleep right now. But, I've been thinking about starting this blog post for a while, and I have finally gotten around to doing it.

Reasons why I can't wait for school to start:
1. When I buy clothes, I won't be thinking in the back of my mind, "Will I be able to fit this into my suitcase?"
2. I will have air conditioning! My family has gotten used to this. I have not. I feel 10x LESS productive because we don't have air conditioning. The humidity and heat just weigh me down.
3. Buying my own food (and not having anyone criticize what I buy)
4. Having a spacious fridge!
5. Getting on a regular sleep pattern.
6. Not having to work 30 hours a week at a sports bar and grill! Icky!
7. Being able to set my own hours for work!
8. Planning out my weeks!
9. Seeing my friends again. :)
10. Buying cute decorations for my apartment
11. Meeting new people in my ward! (I'm really going to try and focus on friendships NOT relationships).
12. Not having to pay for gas!
13. Trying new recipes.
14. Living feet away from friends, rather than MILES away from them.
15. Running at night!
16. Swimming with Eleise! I cannot wait to start some new swim workouts!
17. Going to the temple every week!!! I miss going every Friday night. :(
18. Challenging myself in chemistry
19. Wearing my new cute outfits to school/work/church
20. Writing my sister on her mission!
21. Going to free events on the weekends! Yay for college towns!
22. Not being the youngest in the area (I'm like the youngest in my singles' branch, at work, in my gym classes...)

(more to come)

Of course I have a list of things I'm going to miss:

1. My sister, Monique. :)
2. Lucky.
3. My parents.
4. Being so close to Kirtland!
5. The Singles' Branch. They're a really strong, and spirited group. They have welcomed me in when I thought I wouldn't find anyone to befriend.
6. Earning so much money as a waitress!
7. Being a light and example to those at my work.
8. Wing Warehouse. Those people grew on me. They are human too. They have their joys and insecurities and problems and talents and families and humor.
9. The Natatorium. I love going there. It feels like a jungle of possibilities!
10. All the Disney movies within reach.
11. Having my mom cook and wash my dishes and clean up after me. Basically, she keeps me in line. :)
12. Going to Wyoga Lake. Boy, I love my neighborhood lake.
13. Time to read everyday. Lounging around. Man, I have enjoyed reading so much this summer. I have rekindled my love with books.
14. The amount of Oxygen in the air. I can definitely tell the difference from Utah air.
15. The green rolling hills. You can't get enough green forest here. It's beautiful.
16. Having the ability to drive a car.
17. Cedar Point.
18. My friends. They were very understanding of my working situation this summer. And very patient when I didn't have a phone.

Not going to lie, it was a lot easier to write the first list than to right the latter. However, that is the way of life: You want what you can't have (at that moment) and take for granted what you are enjoying at that moment.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Called To Serve

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to post about. There's been a lot on my mind lately: sharing the gospel, patience, Utah, music, food, family.

You know what! I've decided: I'm dedicating this post to missionaries.

In fact, I'm writing this post as a break from writing my missionary friends. I forgot how many guys I knew that are on their missions! I am so blessed to know so many people dedicating two years of their life to share the gospel. 

And now, I know one girl that is dedicating 18 months to serving the Lord and sharing the gospel. She is someone that exudes confidence. Her smile is contagious. But, not in a sickly way. In a welcoming way. Her face seems to light up every time she smiles. And her laugh! Her laugh's best friend is my own laughter! 

She is someone that is understanding of others, even if they are not conventional. She makes her path in unknown territory with a fierce sense of faith that everything will work out. She is my sister, Chantelle Mary Rovelsky. The Lord has prepared her to serve in the Seoul Korea mission. I know that the Lord has prepared people there ready to hear the gospel from my sister. 

I can honestly say I never imagined my sister serving in Asia. I always thought like South America or Europe! 

If Chantelle is reading this, I do have to apologize for the mood I was in when she received her call. My dad unexpectedly woke me up for the second time that day from peaceful slumber. I was not in a very patient or social mood. However, I am proud of her. I am proud that I have a sister with a firm testimony of the church. We don't agree on all things, but we can agree that this is the true church. 

I'm trying to think of ways she's been prepared to serve in Seoul, Korea.

1) Living in a city. Seoul is "a megacity with a population of over 10 million, it is one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world" according to Wikipedia. She loves living in the city of Salt Lake. 

2) She's worked at Apple, one of the leading companies in technology. And "Seoul has a highly technologically advanced infrastructure."

3) She grew up in the humid state of Ohio. And Seoul's "summers are generally hot and humid."

4) She's mastered the public transportation system in SLC/Provo. And "Seoul features one of the world's most advanced transportation infrastructures that is constantly under expansion."

5) She's lived with mountains surrounding the city. And Seoul is a city surrounded by mountains! 

Yeah, so there's probably more but how cool is that?! I'm super excited to hear her experiences with the language, the culture, the people, the food, and the missionary work. She'll be great. 

I know that we all can be missionaries in our wards. I'm striving to be a better example of this by working with the less active, the investigators, and future investigators! Please pray for my friend Randy! Forget yourself and go to work. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

To Every Thing There Is A Season

Alright I've been thinking about what I should blog about next (since Monique has banned me from talking about food).

Drum roll please. The ESPYS?! As a very uninformed sports person, I really had no idea what the ESPYS were. However, working at a sports bar and grill kind of gives me the sports knowledge I never gained as a child (my dad is the crossword-puzzle-computer-programming-type of guy; not a bad thing). What I got out of the ESPYS is an award show where every hot guy in the world is invited to attend. Throw in a couple girls too, I guess. But, let's focus on the guys please.

Ryan Reynolds
There I am busing my tables, and I see this beauty on the TV. I kind of gasped a little bit. And maybe started drooling (ha, just kidding). Ryan Reynolds is my celebrity crush because he's a great comedian/actor. The humor he adds to his parts is great! Also, he says he runs! Like 5 miles a day to train for a marathon. Funny and a runner? My type of guy! Plus, he's attractive (that's bonus).

Justin Bieber
Okay I don't know why he was there. Not a fan. And the EARRINGS?!

Justin Timberlake
Kay, childhood crush. If you listened to *NSYNC when you were little, you probably had a crush on this guy. And, of what I've seen on TV, I like his fun, quirky personality.

Jimmer Fredette
Holy Smokes. There's a BYU Student. A Mormon. With a bunch of celebrities being recognized as the Best Male College Athlete. And looking mighty fine while doing it. Rachel and Audrey (if you're reading), this totally made me think of you guys. How hot does he look?!

Now, I'm realizing I have a thing for guys in gray suits. Note to self.

Ready for this transition? Seeing guys like this makes me want to become a better "athlete." Not that I'm like an official athlete, but I'd like to think I have some skills in running, swimming, and snowboarding. And big news! I got a gym pass at the Natatorium (basically the coolest gym ever!).
For $50 a month, I can go to any workout class, lift weights, run on a treadmill or on a track, GO SWIMMING, etc. I feel like a kid at a playground every time I go. I tried a Zumba class yesterday! Today I'm planning on going to Zumba and Kickboxing! I also went swimming yesterday, and a man I was sharing the lane with said I am a great swimmer. I told him my friend (Leisy!) just taught me how to this past winter. He was shocked because he thought I was one of those lettered-in-high-school swimmers! I was so flattered!

I am so glad I got a pass here because I have been running 5 days a week the whole summer. I was in a "rut" and didn't know what to do to get out. I prayed about it, and I genuinely believe that this is the answer to my prayer.

So, I'd like to end with the thought that Heavenly Father cares about our interests. He knows I love to run and workout, but that I needed a change. And I can, in turn, show my gratitude by keeping my body healthy and strong. He loves me enough to listen and answer my prayers. He loves me enough to send His son, Jesus Christ, to save me from sin. There is so much to rejoice in!

Ecclesiastes 3

1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
 2time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
 3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
 4A time to weep, and a time to alaugh; a time to bmourn, and a time to dance;
 5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
 6A time to aget, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
 7A time to arend, and a time to sew; a time to keep bsilence, and a time to speak;
 8A time to love, and a time to ahate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
 9What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein healaboureth?
 10I have seen the atravail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be bexercised in it.
 11He hath made every thing abeautiful in his time: also he bhathset the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the cworkthat God maketh from the beginning to the end.
 12I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do agood in his life.