Sunday, May 22, 2011

Just Floating

Haven't blogged in a while. But, I'm not sure what I would blog about.

I still have my job. I can't seem to make friends with any of my coworkers. They think I'm the quite girl. But, I just...don't have much in common with them. I forgot how hard it was to be around people with different beliefs and lifestyles.

I'm trying to think of one moment of positivity each day though. It's hard sometimes, when I just seem to wake up, read, run, and work.

Today I went to the lake. It was beautiful outside. I feel like the weather has been the highlight of the last couple days. That could be considered sad, but I think it brings me closer to the Savior.

I guess I've just been struggling adjusting to things. I keep telling myself, "Your future is as bright as your faith."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wisely Optimistic

I need not apply any words of sorry or regret for not posting lately, for my time has be occupied by some quite ordinary matters (of which you know some very well and others not so much). I have been training, as you know, at Wing Warehouse. For now, I will look to the job as a challenge and a missionary experience (the latter thanks to my friend Laura; she instilled me with this optimism).

In other matters, I have been reading Pride and Prejudice, as my language in writing might have alluded--for sometimes I too frequently adopt the habits of those I feel greatly acquainted with. I do not wish to portray any of my sentiments for which I am accustomed to feeling after finishing an intriguing novel. Nor do I want to express petty feelings of longing for a romance as Jane Austen so graciously offers us. All I wish to say on the matter is that I look to the future with optimism. One day I will be incandescently in love as to laugh and smile even more than usual. I will look back to these years of anticipation with gratefulness that they will soon be gone; however, the years will provide me the patience and maturity needed for the most precious gifts our Heavenly Father can bestow on his children: that of matrimony and posterity.

Until that journey begins, I must continue my efforts in improving my character. For there are so many faults I have time to correct, and many weaknesses that have yet to become my greatest strengths.

To end with a thought contrived by our dear President Eyring, "Be a Wise Optimist!"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Serve Me Up Some Lovin'

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I don't really know how to incorporate these two random topics. But, here goes nothing.

I now work at Wing Warehouse. It's going to be an awesome job; the only thing I get nervous about is all the alcohol. I have never had a drop in my life. I don't know whether to wince or chuckle whenever I grab a drink for someone at the bar. It kinda turns out as both. So many mixed emotions about it, but I know that I can handle it.

Now, onto the most important thing of all time: a wedding. To my ETERNAL companion. Yeah, that's pretty legit. And, this morning I had some time to scroll on a LDS Wedding Blog before I went babysitting. I got hooked. I never really knew how I wanted my wedding to be planned. And now seeing all the different options, I still don't know! In my mind, I picture this really expensive, classy wedding. But, how much do I actually want to spend on it? I mean you've got the ring and the honeymoon and the first few penniless years ahead of you. Why waste your (or your parents') money on frills and flowers.

While I would want to go into my wedding with an open mind, I do have some ideas on certain things:

My perfect ring. Okay, so this might be cheesy to you, but it would mean a lot to me. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalms 31:10, "For who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies." So, my perfect wedding ring would incorporate a diamond (which is my birthstone) and a ruby (it would show that we waited for each other!). I like things, especially jewelry, with meaning behind them. My favorite earring and necklaces were gifts from friends/family or have a story behind them. And, hopefully, the future guy would be able to incorporate his personality into the ring. BAM, that'd be the perfect ring.

And now, I know a little about my dress: three-quarter sleeve...that's about it.

I don't know what temple I'd like to be married in. Honestly, I'd kill for it in the Kirtland Temple; but, I don't think that's going to happen. I just think any temple would be great.

And as far as wedding colors go, my favorite color has been turquoise since 3rd grade. But, I don't know if I'd want that in a wedding color (the million shades of "turquoise" + my slight OCD = turquoise disaster). Who knows what I'll be in the mood for the day I pick my wedding colors. It will most likely be contested afterwards all the way up to the big day.

Now, keep in mind, this is IF I fall in love and get married. I'll be optimistic, but sometimes it's hard to see anyone falling in love with me! It reminds me of one of my favorite movies If A Man Answers. Sandra Dee's character says, "I don't know if you could keep me satisfied, Eugene, day after day and all through the night." ;)

And on that note, I bid you goodnight.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Hey guys!

So, I'd like to dedicate today's post to the blessings of the internet.

The Internetby Bernard Howe
The internet is, a fountain of information.
its available to everyone, in every nation.
Pages for children to read and enjoy
along with the spam which can really annoy.
Poetry and forums for everyone's pleasure
just about anything, even selling your treasure.
Its even used everyday in our schools
it has lots of help and good learning tools.
Ethics are used by those who do care
and often free help with things we do share.
Friendships has spread all over the earth
I even made a friend who lives way down in Perth.
I enjoy it so much, I think I'm addicted
I think I was warned, as this was predicted.

I do understand the harms of the internet. But, here is how the internet has effected me this past week:

-Finding jobs. There are a lot of businesses that have transferred their application process to the internet. This saves them paper, and me gas money. Also, to find all the businesses near my house, I used Google maps. I then jotted down the phone numbers and started calling. Again, it saves me the trip of aimlessly driving around just to find businesses that are NOT hiring. Then, when you get a job interview, the internet can help you research the company. Find out what you should wear to your job interview, what you should know about the company, etc. This really will impress employers!

-Cooking meals. The internet is like my favorite cookbook. You can find all kinds of recipes, even secret recipes of the big-shot restaurants (yes, I AM planning on having Cafe Rio Wednesday night in Ohio). Or say, you mess up a recipe or need a substitute. Internet is right there with the answer. My favorite websites so far are and Seriously, any restaurant. Any ingredients. It's online.

-Planning Family Home Evenings. Not only do Latter-Day Saints have a Mormon Channel on YouTube, but there are tons of FHE ideas online. I found this really good website

-Writing talks. Whether it's for church, school, or community speeches, we do a lot of our research online. For LDS members, c'mon who hasn't used to look up extra materials for your talk! It's a great resource. 

-Viewing amazing pictures. Just tonight I got this link for the Carl Bloch exhibit. I was incredibly sad I couldn't see these in person, but the panoramic view of them here makes up for it. Also, I love the other photography websites that I can see photos from: flickr, facebook, deviantart, etc. It gets talent out there!

-Listening to music. YouTube anyone? I don't know how many times I've turned to this website instead of wasting a dollar on a song I'll only listen to for a week. This site also helps me preview songs before I do actually purchase them.

-Watching TV episodes. Bones, The Office, you name it. You can watch them on Hulu (except it's getting more restrictive because of Hulu Plus).

-Staying in contact with friends. Facebook, need I say more?

-Sharing my running updates. My friend, Eleise and I discovered where we can post our running for the day. That way, we are held accountable to someone about running; thus, we are more likely to run! It's a great motivational tool.

-Mapping out a running route. is fabulous. Seriously, I can go anywhere in the US and still find a route to run around my location. How sweet is that? ...then again, no excuse for skipping a run...

-Checking grades. While it's annoying at times, I have BYU Blackboard that let's me know my grade for a class even before I receive a report card.

-Doing homework assignments. was seriously my best friend this past semester. I spent countless hours working on those problems to understand chemistry. And it paid off. 

-Becoming educated about finances. I just took a financing class last semester. I highly recommend a personal finance class to anyone and everyone. It has helped me behaviorally in finances and in other structured aspects of my life. is a perfect outlet for advice and financial calculators. Don't feel like money is controlling your life, but that your in control of money in your life. 

-Finding a spouse. Hah, just kidding...but, seriously, it's out there.

-Studying. Kay, so I just got a job at Wings Warehouse today!! Yay! I need to memorize the menu though. That might take me a while...if I didn't have It's a fantastic tool for school as well because you can do online, interactive notecards. No more wasted paper notecards.

-Reading news. While it definitely is sad that print newspapers are dying out, the internet has provided a great outlet for news. My favorite is CNN, and they have a newpulse, where I can stay up-to-date on current events in a hurry. Makes me feel more aware about the world when I sometimes get overwhelmed with the amount of news out there. 

-Researching ANYTHING. Whether it be races, music lessons, Puritan tombstones, etc., the internet has the resources. I can find scholarly journals on just about any topic. I can find websites giving me information on upcoming races. That used to take a lot more digging. Not anymore.

-Maintaining your finances. Every major bank has online banking now. You can view your accounts, transfer money, pay bills. It's wonderful! Plus, I love because I can view all of my accounts at once, and see where I'm spending my money. This is my way of budgeting, it really works! 

-And of course, recording your thoughts in a blog. I thank my friend Audrey for getting me into blogging. It is just so fascinating to get inside the mind of someone through their blogs. Sometimes, it shocks me how much one person can know or feel.

You could probably say I have developed a crush on the internet. It's insane on how many resources it provides us. But, of course, it can't do everything. Most importantly, there is opposition in all things. The internet is a potent weapon used by the adversary to lure us and distract us. Pornography is too common. I remember at the age of 15 or 16 a boy telling me that 99% of guys have seen pornography and the other 1% are lying to you. While these statistics are clearly misconstrued by this youngster, I am too nervous to look up the real statistics. They could be shockingly worse than I'd hope for. But, I know there are still guys out there that have not viewed pornography. And, I hope with every fiber in my being, that my future husband has not fallen prey to it. 

I have also seen the internet ruin grades and destroy self-esteem. I have seen people become addicted. I have seen bullying. It is harmful. Let us use this weapon to our advantage, not to the advantage of our enemies. 

The Power of the Internet

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day in the Life...

Today was spent mostly thinking about two things: running and jobs. I am starting to desperately want a full-time job. I mean, I need more structure in my life. Is that sad?

But, to save you from a boring rant about my desperation and futile attempts, I'll go into my running obsession. In the last 24 hrs, I've watched two running movies. Verdict? Fantastic. I can't stop thinking about running. I felt bad, though, that my mind strayed to running even during scripture study! I think the most important thing to realize is that running can actually help us turn more to our Savior and our Heavenly Father. I think any LDS runner would agree. Many prayers are said before a race, during a hard workout, in the midst of physical injury, and after accomplishing a goal. When you push your body and mind to its limits, you have to find something to pull you through it. And when you come out triumphant, you gain a greater testimony in that thing that kept you going. It's hard to describe.

So, to track my progress in running, I decided to run a half-marathon this summer. It's on August 13th. It's kinda on the complete opposite side of the state. I might need to encourage other college, SMFHS alumni to join me. My goal is to someday qualify for the Boston Marathon. I think by no coincidence does this marathon occur on or around my birthday.

Oh, I almost forgot one more thing:
Grades for Winter 2011
How blessed I have been, let me tell you. Somehow, with a lot of prayers and faith, the Lord helped me do it!

Monday, May 2, 2011

I haven't been on in a while! Sorry guys! Let's see, I'll try to inform you on my ever so exciting life.

-Finished Rowan and the Travelers
-Started Pride and Prejudice
-Visited my dear friend Natalie. It's people like that that really make me cherish friends and help me have charity.
-For a week, I completed my goal of running for 5 out of the 7 days.
-I went to a Singles' Activity on Saturday night. Met so many amazing people.
-Fasted. How awesome is that?
-I played Ultimate Frisbee. And people actually threw me the frisbee. I didn't completely suck!
-Testimony meeting. Different than BYU, but people still have the same simple testimonies in the truth.

-I made a casserole! And there were no leftovers!
-Spent all day at the church, meeting new people. Getting to know and love the members of the Easthill Branch.
-Started making an inventory of my family's food.
-Babysat last Friday.
-Watched "Long Green Line"
-Watched "The Testament."
-Went to my younger sister's orchestra concert (brought me back to 7 years of orchestra).

-Won two free tickets for scuba diving lessons!

Okay, so some of that is out of order. And usually I would comment on each one of these. However, I don't want to bore you with details.

I guess, what I've come to understand this past year is really who I am. I struggled with that for years. In middle school, I was trying to fit in. Some girls showed me how to dress, how to put on make-up, etc. But, I ended up being just a clone. Then, I discovered my loud voice in Speech and Debate. In all my years of high school, I kept trying to please people. My coach, my teacher, my parents especially. But, sometimes at the sacrifice of who I am. This past year, I found strength in aspects I never thought possible. And now, I know how to handle problems. And stress. And weakness. It doesn't seem so impossible anymore. And the only person I want to please more than anything is my Heavenly Father.

Random blurb, but it gives me some perspective. Plus, I just watched this epic running movie "The Long Green Line." Watch it for free on Hulu, guys! So good. I think the most important thing is finding little things that will motivate you. Even if it's motivation to get out of bed, or to finish the day with a smile. Find something that gives you hope and that will give you a sense of your potential.

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” -Albert Camus, in John Bartlett, comp., Familiar Quotations, 16th ed. (1980), 732.