Monday, September 26, 2011

If You're Happy And You Know It!

Sometimes I feel like blogging fills that void for single girls. Maybe that's why I've had such a hard time blogging lately!

I have been seriously considering the plan of happiness for me. I mean, really, we tell everyone that this plan is to make us happy. But, do I stop and consider that?

I have gone through a roller coaster of emotions. At times, I feel like I am repeating the same mistakes of the past. Other times, I feel like I am becoming an entirely and disgustingly new person.

There are many people I can turn to to express my emotions. You might not ever realize how important that is to me, especially with my emotional state a couple years ago. However, I have come to realize that this is all good advice. I can talk off another person's ear about my concerns and feelings. They can give me suggestions.

But, the words of prophets are not just good advice. They are words filled with divine truth. Inspired by God to help us with our trials.

"Sisters, wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love.

Please never forget that you must be patient and compassionate with yourselves, that some sacrifices are better than others, that you need not wait for a golden ticket to be happy. Please never forget that the 'why' of the gospel of Jesus Christ will inspire and uplift you. And never forget that your Heavenly Father knows, loves, and cherishes you." -President Uchtdorf

These are the words of a prophetic voice to the sisters of the world. These are meant for me, and you. I do not need to prolong my happiness. Happiness should be all around me! 

You may not know where this is coming from. Lately, I have been seriously considering the ideas of dating, courtship, and marriage. These things in our single lives are not easy. They can try us, and tempt us. But, ultimately they are there to bring us happiness: FAMILY! And this will lead us to salvation! 
Mom and little sis. Makes me laugh every time! 
Jesus Christ made this possible. Let's not let Him down. :) 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Nostalgia and New Beginnings

Alright, so college happened. I didn't die...literally. It's been a hard four weeks. I transitioned into college in one day. My family sent off a missionary: Chantelle Rovelsky! I moved into off-campus housing. I have been running/swimming 5 days a week. Working 14 hours a week. Oh, did I mention school? Please feel free to pray for me in calculus. I'm spending hours a day studying that subject and it always seems to throw me a curveball. I also have been blessed with great roommates, and wonderful men who take me on dates. 

Sometimes it's really hard to find me time. However, I'm not here to complain. That's not what my blog is for! My blog is to help me become a better disciple of Christ. And, there are so many little things that make the day seem sweeter. 

Lion King 3D. This made my day. No, it made my week. I love this movie. It reminds me so refreshingly of my childhood. Of the simplicity of cozying up and watching a Disney movie. Popcorn popping in the microwave. Mom's homemade slushies dripping down our crazy colorful outfits. Oh, and of course turning our couch into "Pride Rock." 

Or listening to Disney music in the morning to start off my day. It's marvelous! It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 

Maybe, it's the feel of fall in the air. The brisk breeze that reminds me of piles of leaves. Crazy fun days of a new school year. And now, the potential of cozying up over hot cocoa with someone special (I don't want to mention any names; that would open a Pandora's box!). 

Special things like having apostles come speak at my school. Having two apostles in one week? Unreal! 

Allowing for fun! Like when we shot rifles for FHE. It was such a pleasant night. And, I actually shot two pigeons (don't worry, Monique; they weren't REAL pigeons)! I cannot believe that, because I just loaded and shot with faith! 

Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes. It comes in packages from my parents of my ice cream maker and a blender. It comes in an over-sized guitar case that came through the hands of many angels in my life. Happiness comes in spending half an hour on one calc problem and getting the right answer the first time! It comes in that giddy feeling that you know a cute boy finds something fascinating about you. Happiness comes in that act of service or sacrifice for a friend or maybe a stranger. It comes through daily prayer and scripture study. Happiness comes in clean underwear! It comes in new, healthy groceries that promise fun, appetizing meals! Happiness comes when I talk to an alumnus on the phone and they donate because he or she loves BYU. 

I'm sorry I sound repetitive. But, writing this makes me realize how great I really have it. :) I hope this is a little insight into what's happened these last 4 weeks. It's been an adventure!