Saturday, June 25, 2011

Middle Going Solo

My little sister is at camp with her friends Sarah and Greg this weekend. Which means that I am home alone with my parents. I woke up this morning and realized this unknown, awkward feeling of being the only child at the middle child!

My older sister got her alone time with my parents when she was a babe. Being their first, of course she would get the extra care as if she were a porcelain, million dollar check. Don't worry, I'm not bitter; this just a fact of parenthood. I've been told.

Then, the baby of the family (or the last, 3rd child) gets her glory days when she is the last one in the nest. This is the parents' last chance to be actively involved in the child's growth. And why not go out with a bang?

Thus, middle children generally have another sibling there. (Never really a bad thing. And it's not like I get that much less attention with my parents.) Which is why it is SO weird being the only child here as a middle child.

This kind of power...yeah, it makes me think back to all the stereotypical only children in movies and novels that got whatever they wanted.

Dudley: How many are there!?
Uncle Vernon: 36, counted them myself.
Dudley: 36?! But last year, last year I got 37!
Uncle Vernon: Well, some are a bit bigger than last year's -

Here's to being an only child as a middle child! Besides, first is the worst. Second is the best. Third is the one with the hairy chest.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I feel like this post will be bits & pieces of thoughts that have entered my mind these last couple days.

You are looking at a stack of paper worth more than $1,000. Yes, I have met my summer goal of earning and saving $1,000. When I was little, I used to be really good with money. Then, high school came. I wasn't terrible, but I still didn't really understand the difference I could already make. After a year on my own, and a personal finance class, I am ready to invest, save, and spend wisely! 

Moving on to being hit on. This is a topic that was on my mind today during volunteering and work. When I was volunteering (side note: if you're bored this summer, find somewhere to volunteer), this high school guy would like look at me periodically. He spoke to me briefly, since I was mostly working or talking to Abby. Then, all of a sudden, he brings me a brownie and says, "Here, I got this for you." Um, okay? I actually had a piece of cake, so I did not want the brownie. I graciously took it and proceeded to break off a small piece to eat. His body language seemed to say, "Yes, she took the bait. This means she likes me!" Afterwards, he sat down near us and found times to interject his opinion. I confided in Abby later, which she only confirmed my intuitive feeling that this young man was hitting on me. 

Jump to the other side of the age spectrum, and you'll find the other males that hit on me today. Yes, those around the age of 55. This one guy (commonly called Crazy Dave) was joking around about getting with me. Ew. But, he is really nice, because he says things like "Why are you always smiling?" or "You're beautiful, hun" or "I can't believe you don't have a boyfriend! I can change that." Haha! 

Then one of the cooks, Marc, is going through a divorce right now. He's probably around 50 years old too. He jokingly asked me if he could take me out and we could get drunk together. I laughed, and explained to him that I don't drink. He was disappointed, and shocked. Haha, who isn't when I tell them I don't drink (It's like a completely foreign concept to them)! But, he's super sweet and kind of seems like an uncle to me. Golly, I love the cooks at Wings! They seem like my older brothers I never had. 

Finally, little blurb on my running. I've been able to run at a local, private Catholic school track. It's been soooo awkward though, because I usually run into some football team practice. Oh well. I feel good! 

Yeah, life is going pretty dandy. And it doesn't hurt that I'm easing into a lovely summer tan. Thank you neighborhood lake! 


Okay, so to break up my posts a little bit, I will post my food on this first post.

Egg & Ham Flowers with Toast
PB&Banan Sandwich

Yum, carrots! 


Red beans and rice didn' miss her! 

Frozen banana. You NEED to try it
I got lazy at night. I also had some mess-up food orders tonight at work, bites of chips, wings, pita bread, and salad. Then, I came home for a late night snack of bread, cereal, and silk. To top it off, I got new gum: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Gum!!!! It is soooo yummy!

Monday, June 13, 2011

We Are Robin Hood!

When it's finally summer, you kick back and relax. Suddenly, you get more flexibility in your schedule. Go to bed at 2am? Sure, why not. Wake up at noon? It only makes sense. Become obsessed with a TV series? Seems to happen to my sister and me a lot! 

We became obsessed with the BBC version of Robin Hood. It consists of 3 seasons, with 13 episodes lasting 41-44 minutes a piece. Trust me, I am not entirely proud of the 28 1/2 hours spent watching Robin Hood in such a short amount of time. However, I would like to justify my actions by revealing many positive and negative themes throughout the series. Most of you know the legend of Robin Hood, so it shouldn't be hard to follow along.

1) Charity. Steal from the rich to give to the poor. It's funny because we often see this as taxes nowadays. Our system includes a progressive income tax where the rich pay a bigger percentage of their income. This money, theoretically, gets distributed to government institutions especially welfare programs. So, long live Robin Hood! But, I think the most important part of this phrase is give to the poor. There are many different ways we can and should help the poor. In the series, I realized that the more you care about others, the less time you have to think about yourself. Thus, you automatically become less self-centered. And let's face it, we all have innate selfish desires. It's the natural man. 

2) Loyalty. Loyalty to one's friends, country, and self is far superior than power and wealth. Showing your friends that you're there for them in the good and bad times can be the greatest blessing for both parties. I think of Harry Potter, when Dumbledore says, "He was a fierce, fierce friend." I wish I could have that said about me (well, except with a feminine pronoun). What a powerful adjective to go along with the word friend. 

3) Love.True love depends on the little, day-to-day acts rather than the monumental, dramatics moments. This is something that I discovered contrary in Robin Hood. It seems as if Marian and Robin could only profess their love to each other when certain death loomed on their heads. When they survived, they went back to their equally stubborn and bickering personalities. How sad! It is a romance that I greatly admired until I realized they didn't have a sturdy foundation.

4) Integrity. Can one kind deed truly cleanse a damned man, and can one evil deed condemn an honest man? It's not really a theme, but a question argued throughout the series. It reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean when Captain Sparrow holds Elizabeth ransom to escape. I think this question depends on the remorse and the repentance of the individual. If the "damned" man is able to repent, then he is better off than if the honest man feels no need to repent of one bad deed because of his lifetime of purity.

5) Faith. No one is invincible. I cannot believe how many times the writers surprised me with a death of a main character. I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but I genuinely cried for those characters. It resembles the reality that good people die too. But, what's important is what they stood for. And maybe what they died for. Besides, death is not the end. This is something that is hard to grasp because we cannot see what happens after death. One must have faith going into the unknown. 

6) Bravery. Stand up for what is right, despite fear and inevitable rejection. If I learned nothing more than of Robin's bravery in the face of injustice, I would be content. This quality is something I wished I possessed more of. Too many times I have let people walk all over me. Sometimes it's hard to determine when to be reserved and when to be bold. But, I want to be able to stand up for what I believe is right! I am very dissatisfied when people find it okay to ridicule my beliefs. 

For instance, a guy at my work is determined to hear me swear. He seems so fixed on it! He even came up to me in a half whisper and said, "Just say it. Once." It only made me think back to 6th or 7th grade when my supposed friends prodded me with the same words. If I didn't give in in 6th grade, what makes him think I will easily give in 7 or 8 years later? I cannot say I'm perfect, but I cannot be easily dissuaded from my standards. I guess this is a sign of bravery. However, it's quiet bravery. I cannot keep passively allowing people to snicker at my beliefs! I cannot sit idly by while missionaries and other faith-inspired members assist in the gathering of Israel. I think bravery depends not only upon confidence in one's self and beliefs, but also in the hope that it will make a difference! That a word spoken by you might affect another. 

 Part of the series reminded me of a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson on the definition of success. I also found this one that applies to Robin Hood, but also us! 

Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them (RWE). 

That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased (RWE). 
To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have livedthis is to have succeeded (I guess not actually attributable to RWE, but still profound). The bolded portions remind me of Robin Hood. 

As the men of Robin Hood frequently said, "We are Robin Hood!" We need to embody the principles of charity, loyalty, love, integrity, faith, and bravery.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mix of Genes and Emotions

Okay, have you ever had something that everyone gave you a compliment on? Like, for my friend Helena, it's her red hair. Not that compliments aren't appreciated, it just gets redundant when everyone compliments one particular body part. For me, it's my eyes.  It's almost frustrating because it's not like I did anything to acquire them. I always want to tell people, "Well, thank my parents!" Or my bitter feeling came from the fact that many have tried to flatter me with this compliment. Trust me, I have had many guys stare deep into my eyes and tell me "You have the most beautiful eyes." Then, they smile triumphantly as if they had bestowed some precious gift to me.

The boys that meant so much to me seem to all use this phrase. In fact, that's probably the root of my bitterness.

But, then, I actually looked at my eyes (sounds kind of weird). It's like someone took a blue eye and let it rust in the middle. And further away, the yellow and blue seem to mix, giving the appearance of green. They always used to be green to me.

I guess this is the beauty that Heavenly Father wants me to see in myself. Maybe it's not so bad to have these eyes. Maybe they were a gift, rather than a random mix of genes or a reminder of my pitfalls in childish infatuations.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Today Starts Off Wonderful

Oatmeal with Blueberries
So I decided to post what I ate today. There's some blog out there that's called (What I Ate Wednesday) or something. And I didn't take this picture (do I seem like the type that reads the newspaper in the morning?). But, I did start off with maple oatmeal and frozen blueberries. It was delicious! I did also eat some yummy carmel popcorn while waiting. :) You know, great breakfast food.

Moving on to lunch.

I forgot to photograph my salad (which looked fantastic by the way), so I took a picture of where I got the idea. It was a "Classic Caprese" Salad with mozzarella (a cut up cheese stick), tomato cubes, and basil leaves (I cheated and used the spice). All topped with my mom's homemade Italian dressing.

Also, I had this weird, nasty Pink Grapefruit juice. Too bitter for my liking. So, I didn't really finish it. At least I tried it!

Haha, I didn't think there were enough pictures of me on here, so I decided to take a creepy picture of me eating the next food: grapes! Yum! To my dear friends Rachel and Samantha, my plan was to freeze these beauties like good 'ole times. However, they might not make it to that process. There's something incredibly fantastic about biting into the skin of these grapes. You'd miss that if they were frozen!

Also had a little bit of leftover pasta sprinkled with parmesan cheese. 

Then, for dessert, I had carmel popcorn! Yum!

Mmm, for an afternoon snack I had this wonderful creation. I froze some bananas with the intention of dipping them in some chocolate. However, I thought peanut butter would be a better option this time. Later, I had 2 more of these (one sans PB).

Okay, for dinner. Again, I forgot to photograph the meal (I got distracted talking to my friend Eleise on the phone! And then by the wonderful presentation of food my mom had out on the table). It was a salad bar my mom had put together. I'll try to remember everything she had out.

Pineapple, Peas, 3 different kinds of croutons, 
Sliced eggs, BBQ chicken cubes,
Regular chicken cubes, Mandarin oranges,
Tomatoes, Olives, Cucumbers,
Cheese, Green peppers, Carrots...
I think she had more, but I don't remember. I had something that looked like this

Along with a side of toast covered with sliced egg.

That's about it. I also had some delectable desert in a gum stick.

And some raspberry water
Yay! I actually ate pretty healthy today! (Just a little too much; I felt kinda bloated during and after my run).