Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Today Starts Off Wonderful

Oatmeal with Blueberries
So I decided to post what I ate today. There's some blog out there that's called (What I Ate Wednesday) or something. And I didn't take this picture (do I seem like the type that reads the newspaper in the morning?). But, I did start off with maple oatmeal and frozen blueberries. It was delicious! I did also eat some yummy carmel popcorn while waiting. :) You know, great breakfast food.

Moving on to lunch.

I forgot to photograph my salad (which looked fantastic by the way), so I took a picture of where I got the idea. It was a "Classic Caprese" Salad with mozzarella (a cut up cheese stick), tomato cubes, and basil leaves (I cheated and used the spice). All topped with my mom's homemade Italian dressing.

Also, I had this weird, nasty Pink Grapefruit juice. Too bitter for my liking. So, I didn't really finish it. At least I tried it!

Haha, I didn't think there were enough pictures of me on here, so I decided to take a creepy picture of me eating the next food: grapes! Yum! To my dear friends Rachel and Samantha, my plan was to freeze these beauties like good 'ole times. However, they might not make it to that process. There's something incredibly fantastic about biting into the skin of these grapes. You'd miss that if they were frozen!

Also had a little bit of leftover pasta sprinkled with parmesan cheese. 

Then, for dessert, I had carmel popcorn! Yum!

Mmm, for an afternoon snack I had this wonderful creation. I froze some bananas with the intention of dipping them in some chocolate. However, I thought peanut butter would be a better option this time. Later, I had 2 more of these (one sans PB).

Okay, for dinner. Again, I forgot to photograph the meal (I got distracted talking to my friend Eleise on the phone! And then by the wonderful presentation of food my mom had out on the table). It was a salad bar my mom had put together. I'll try to remember everything she had out.

Pineapple, Peas, 3 different kinds of croutons, 
Sliced eggs, BBQ chicken cubes,
Regular chicken cubes, Mandarin oranges,
Tomatoes, Olives, Cucumbers,
Cheese, Green peppers, Carrots...
I think she had more, but I don't remember. I had something that looked like this

Along with a side of toast covered with sliced egg.

That's about it. I also had some delectable desert in a gum stick.

And some raspberry water
Yay! I actually ate pretty healthy today! (Just a little too much; I felt kinda bloated during and after my run).


  1. SOOOO yummy. That's the best way to start out a day! Plus reading your blog!

  2. lol so happy you joined in! =) Its a weekly party so if you want to photograph your food for a day (any day it doesn't have to be on actual wednesday) feel free to join again! Here are the details if you want to keep partying with us! =)

