Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I feel like this post will be bits & pieces of thoughts that have entered my mind these last couple days.

You are looking at a stack of paper worth more than $1,000. Yes, I have met my summer goal of earning and saving $1,000. When I was little, I used to be really good with money. Then, high school came. I wasn't terrible, but I still didn't really understand the difference I could already make. After a year on my own, and a personal finance class, I am ready to invest, save, and spend wisely! 

Moving on to being hit on. This is a topic that was on my mind today during volunteering and work. When I was volunteering (side note: if you're bored this summer, find somewhere to volunteer), this high school guy would like look at me periodically. He spoke to me briefly, since I was mostly working or talking to Abby. Then, all of a sudden, he brings me a brownie and says, "Here, I got this for you." Um, okay? I actually had a piece of cake, so I did not want the brownie. I graciously took it and proceeded to break off a small piece to eat. His body language seemed to say, "Yes, she took the bait. This means she likes me!" Afterwards, he sat down near us and found times to interject his opinion. I confided in Abby later, which she only confirmed my intuitive feeling that this young man was hitting on me. 

Jump to the other side of the age spectrum, and you'll find the other males that hit on me today. Yes, those around the age of 55. This one guy (commonly called Crazy Dave) was joking around about getting with me. Ew. But, he is really nice, because he says things like "Why are you always smiling?" or "You're beautiful, hun" or "I can't believe you don't have a boyfriend! I can change that." Haha! 

Then one of the cooks, Marc, is going through a divorce right now. He's probably around 50 years old too. He jokingly asked me if he could take me out and we could get drunk together. I laughed, and explained to him that I don't drink. He was disappointed, and shocked. Haha, who isn't when I tell them I don't drink (It's like a completely foreign concept to them)! But, he's super sweet and kind of seems like an uncle to me. Golly, I love the cooks at Wings! They seem like my older brothers I never had. 

Finally, little blurb on my running. I've been able to run at a local, private Catholic school track. It's been soooo awkward though, because I usually run into some football team practice. Oh well. I feel good! 

Yeah, life is going pretty dandy. And it doesn't hurt that I'm easing into a lovely summer tan. Thank you neighborhood lake! 

1 comment:

  1. Of course they're hitting on you! Ha ha! I see nothing's changed ;)
