Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Serve Me Up Some Lovin'

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I don't really know how to incorporate these two random topics. But, here goes nothing.

I now work at Wing Warehouse. It's going to be an awesome job; the only thing I get nervous about is all the alcohol. I have never had a drop in my life. I don't know whether to wince or chuckle whenever I grab a drink for someone at the bar. It kinda turns out as both. So many mixed emotions about it, but I know that I can handle it.

Now, onto the most important thing of all time: a wedding. To my ETERNAL companion. Yeah, that's pretty legit. And, this morning I had some time to scroll on a LDS Wedding Blog before I went babysitting. I got hooked. I never really knew how I wanted my wedding to be planned. And now seeing all the different options, I still don't know! In my mind, I picture this really expensive, classy wedding. But, how much do I actually want to spend on it? I mean you've got the ring and the honeymoon and the first few penniless years ahead of you. Why waste your (or your parents') money on frills and flowers.

While I would want to go into my wedding with an open mind, I do have some ideas on certain things:

My perfect ring. Okay, so this might be cheesy to you, but it would mean a lot to me. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalms 31:10, "For who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies." So, my perfect wedding ring would incorporate a diamond (which is my birthstone) and a ruby (it would show that we waited for each other!). I like things, especially jewelry, with meaning behind them. My favorite earring and necklaces were gifts from friends/family or have a story behind them. And, hopefully, the future guy would be able to incorporate his personality into the ring. BAM, that'd be the perfect ring.

And now, I know a little about my dress: three-quarter sleeve...that's about it.

I don't know what temple I'd like to be married in. Honestly, I'd kill for it in the Kirtland Temple; but, I don't think that's going to happen. I just think any temple would be great.

And as far as wedding colors go, my favorite color has been turquoise since 3rd grade. But, I don't know if I'd want that in a wedding color (the million shades of "turquoise" + my slight OCD = turquoise disaster). Who knows what I'll be in the mood for the day I pick my wedding colors. It will most likely be contested afterwards all the way up to the big day.

Now, keep in mind, this is IF I fall in love and get married. I'll be optimistic, but sometimes it's hard to see anyone falling in love with me! It reminds me of one of my favorite movies If A Man Answers. Sandra Dee's character says, "I don't know if you could keep me satisfied, Eugene, day after day and all through the night." ;)

And on that note, I bid you goodnight.

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