But, as I was cleaning up my blog, I realized, I had accomplished almost all of my summer goals. Even my semester goals which I thought I had failed at, I really accomplished them (maybe in a different way, but I did it).
Summer Goals!
I did some family history work. Granted not a lot, but I took the Sunday School class. The testimony I developed there helped me begin indexing and actually diving into the new FamilySearch website. In fact, I found some of my ancestors this past week!
We did family scripture study. I tried it out; it wasn't entirely successful, but I learned that it is a lot harder to do. However, I know I saw a difference in each one of us. I know that it is not impossible, nor is it a waste of time.
I earned three times as much money as I thought I would! I have no doubt this is a miracle. I had help.
Go camping? Check! I went to Girls' Camp. That definitely counts.
Read enjoyable books. Yes! I really developed a love again for literature. There is something unique you can learn from each book, character, and author. It helps me appreciate the scriptures more too! I can appreciate those people more. And they're actually real, not fiction.
Read Jane Austen. This surprisingly helped me with patience and gentlemen this semester. Persuasion taught me that I don't need to rush things with any guy. It takes time. And it gives you time to grow as a person.
Read my childhood favorites. Not only did it bring back an element of nostalgia, but it reminded me of the principles I grew to learn as a kid. I wanted so desperately to have the adventures of Rowan, or of the Two Princesses of Bamarre, but I never really understood the adventures that I did have. I was brave! I did stand up for what I believed in, even when I felt alone.
I did go shopping. No doubt on that one. I think I realized what that I can develop a "style" that doesn't have to fit a specific one. I don't need to thrive off of the likes of others.
Run a Race. Check! It was crazy hard. Trust me and Christ Anthony when we say it kicked our butts. But, I now know how to run a half-marathon. :)
Work on Personal Progress. Yes, but I am slowly accomplishing it. Maybe that's the way it is supposed to happen.
Make a scrapbook. While I didn't physically put one together, I did organize my memorabilia and my pictures on my laptop. That's super important. I just wish scrapbooking didn't take so much darn time! If anyone has any tips for me, please! Help!
Sleep. I did do that.
Watch Disney Movies. I satisfied my craving.
I got to babysit. Check! They really do keep my imagination alive.
Run/Workout 5 times a week. I did this. Consistently. All summer. If I ever doubt myself in consistency, I need to remind myself that I did this. While some days, it was a jog around the block or a kickboxing class, I knew that if I gave up one day, it would be easy to give up the next day. Once you do it for about 2 weeks, you don't want to ruin your winning streak!
Go to a Blossom Concert. I saw one with my dad. It was a Pirates of the Caribbean showing with the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra playing in the background. I felt like Daddy's little girl again. And he said quite sentimentally that he's proud of me. Can I just testify that you experience precious moments when you spend one-on-one time with your parents?
I did go to the temple monthly (this whole year!) I think I missed one month, but I made up for it. I love the temple!
Semester Goals?
-Read half of the Book of Mormon with my apartment. Okay, we tried. Again, it's hard! While I still struggle reading in groups, I can say that I will be halfway done with the Book of Mormon by the end of the year.
-Work out 5 times a week. Again, another goal applied in a different way. I went to the doctor because my foot had been bothering me. I was basically overusing a muscle in my foot. Anyways, I worked out when I could. I ran at 11pm, 12pm, etc. I would go swimming. I would take long walks when I needed to cool off. I came to realize that working out is a stress reliever. It shouldn't add more stress to your life! We're all looking at it wrong!
-Get all As this semester. While they weren't all As, I did get all As and A-s. And that, my friends, is a huge feat. Especially with that chemistry and the calculus.
My yearly goals. My biggest goal was to focus on forgiveness. Never have I taken a New Year's resolution more seriously. And my goal did not go unchallenged. I did have many opportunities to apply this lesson, even to myself. I can now say I have a strong testimony in forgiveness. I know that by forgiving others, we will be forgiven. Through forgiveness, we become more like our Savior.
My other one was to be healthy! My weight or my size didn't matter as much as my health. I learned this a lot in my nutrition class. I love planning out my meals for a day! Seriously, go to choosemyplate.gov and try it. It actually reduces a lot of stress in trying to think "Hmm, what am I going to eat for lunch now?" It gives you time to focus on other things throughout the day. It gives you a chance to practice self control. For example, I sometimes get tempted to gorge on chocolate. But, I tell myself, I can have a piece after dinner. Let's wait till then. AND, while some of you might find this less valuable, that website helps you meet every FDA food group requirement. I am getting all the nutrients I need, and that's a relief!
Well this post is really to remind myself that I can do hard things. I found this quote in my mom's quote journal from her mission:
We make goals for ourselves to improve. I have really learned how to set realistic goals, whether they be financial, social, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. I know I am not perfect; but, I also know that my Heavenly Father expects me to improve! I am so grateful for progress!
I'll be adding new 2012 goals to my blog. I'd love to hear anyone's feedback on their goals. I'd love some more ideas.