Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reflection and Planning

What a great summer so far! Remember when I was a school-obsessed Provo girl and you couldn't get me out to do anything because I knew the opportunity cost. Thus, I needed to finish doing some miscellaneous school assignment instead of spending that time hanging out. 

Forget that though! Here I am in the desert of Provo, surrounded by mountains and working through the day, partying through the night. Maybe not to that extent, but I am having the time of my life. 

But, for a while I was stuck in a funk. Things were changing. I learned a lot, but I had to let go of a lot. Parting of roommates, even more extended time from my family, and the realization that I am on my own out here. Growing pains is what I call it. I think back to when I would wake up in the middle of the night and my legs were throbbing; I would sniffle my way over to mom where she would lovingly get up to get me something for my pain. A nice glass of milk and a conversation about how I was growing and these were just the growing pains. Now, my growing pains come more emotional and mental than physical (let's hope my growing pains don't start to extend my physically horizontally! That would be a pain!). 

This past semester or two, I think I had forgotten something inside of me. My love for adventure imagination. These old allies were replaced with responsibility and maturity. How dull life seemed to be. Thankfully, I can identify the problem now! 

So to invite my friends back this summer, I've got to make a good list for the summer. I've been aimlessly having fun, and I want something to work towards! I've spoken about my summer list, but I need to make it more concrete. Here it goes:

Plant a garden. I kind of already did this with my grandpa.

Volunteer at a hospital.

Visit every temple in Utah. I think there are currently 12 fully-functioning temples.


Hike Mt. Timp TWICE. We already have one trip planned in two weeks! 

Perform a song I've composed.


Read LOTR.

Read Jane Austen. Already working on this one! Reading Northanger Abbey.

Read poetry.

Celebrate Pioneer Day. I'm in the Activities committee in my ward, and we're having a Pioneer Olympics activity! 

Thanksgiving Point. 

Go to St. George.

Go to Arches.

Go to the Salt Flats! 

Float down Provo River.

There will probably be more. 

Here's to the adventures that lie in store this summer! 

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