Sunday, May 20, 2012

Power of Prayer. You'd Better Believe It

I just had the coolest experience. My sister is on her mission in Korea right now. I got to talk to her this last week; I didn't realize how much I missed her until I had to say goodbye at the end of the call. Not only that, because I actually got to talk to her, she confided more intimately her struggles. Especially with the language. So, this week, instead of just praying for her, I prayed specifically for her to learn the language more fully. My roommate even prayed for her since we started doing roommate prayers. And this is what Chantelle sent in her e-mail this week: 

"Have you been praying for me a little harder this week? ...Because I can feel it.  

This past week the language felt easier. Way easier. It felt like I had saran wrap over my ears and a paperclip on my tongue before. But this past week it felt like someone unwrapped the saran wrap and removed the paperclip! I could hear and speak way more clearly and confidently. I responded to questions more rapidly and without thinking- questions that before it'd take me a minute or 2 to answer and rearrange the sentence in my head. Miracle. Okay, that makes it sound like I've been mute for the past 6 months (I just realized.. today is my 6 month in country mark-- YIKES!) ..anyways.. I promise I haven't been mute, but it came a LOT easier this past week! 


Thanks so much for your prayers this past week! I'm serious- they're creating some cool miracles halfway across the world 

I needed to hear this, especially because I prayed that she would know I was praying for her. I know that sounds kind of weird, but I wanted her to know it! And she did; and Heavenly Father wanted me to know how it had benefitted her too. I think I needed to be reminded of the power in prayer. 

Needless to say, I am overwhelmed with Heavenly Father's love for me. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

God is a DJ, Life is a Dance Floor

Do you ever have those days where every slightly eventful moment seems like a good start of a blog post?

This has been happening for the last week or so. Then, with those small moments I try to relate it to the big picture, but I got nothing. So you're left with a blog post with a little update on my life.

Zumba. Not only can I not stop doing it, I can't stop talking about it (lots of negatives in that sentence; I'll let you figure it out). Can you say hips like Shakira? Working on that. I have tried to dedicate about 2 hours to working out everyday. However, I've started wondering if I'm allocating too much of my time to myself. I'm thinking about switching it to 1 hour and 15min. It'll be harder to keep track of, but I should spend more time with people and serving them.

Pass of All Passes. This makes me incredibly happy. Although it was more money than I anticipated, I need to go at least 4 times to Seven Peaks to make it worthwhile. What makes it better is my job perfectly aligns with a Provo "beach bum." Most days, I don't have to go in until 4! How perfect is that?

Themes at work. Remember when I was worried about working around 30 hours at work? With theme, time is flying! Our first week was Superhero week, then Wizard week, and now it's Pirate week. Your typical themes, but just you watch. Next week is Supermario week. The week after that is Talent week. You know how excited I get when someone at work smiles or laughs about the silliness of trivia or the game. I have THE BEST job ever.

Outdoor adventures. I think I'm falling in love. With the beauty of Utah. It's amazing!

 I've gone on hikes,

to the hot springs in Spanish fork, and other adventurous things (like clubbing). For those that worry about my balance of social and serious, I'm doing fine!

Single-hood. If you talk to my roommates, they'll say that I keep talking about trying not to be bitter about this word. I'm already starting to see all my friends split off with boys and find their happy endings. And, I'm really trying my best to show an interest in a few guys. But, is it bad that I've already settled in my mind that it won't work?  I think it's my coping mechanism. And while I'm being honest, I also feel like I have to be more fit to even be considered by some of these eligible bachelors. Oh what a conundrum!

Well, I think these things adequately describe the stage I'm at right now. I have wonderful things to occupy my time for me, but I need to occupy my time with others. Thankfully, one of the side effects is a deterrence from single's awareness.

I haven't said it in a while, so I need to mention how I know Heavenly Father loves me and is aware of me. He places me in callings where I can stretch myself. He has a plan for me, and I have a purpose while I'm here. I'm still figuring that out, but he gives me hints. ;)

(P.S. I really need to get my camera charger. Wherever it is. I need it. I need to document my life better.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reflection and Planning

What a great summer so far! Remember when I was a school-obsessed Provo girl and you couldn't get me out to do anything because I knew the opportunity cost. Thus, I needed to finish doing some miscellaneous school assignment instead of spending that time hanging out. 

Forget that though! Here I am in the desert of Provo, surrounded by mountains and working through the day, partying through the night. Maybe not to that extent, but I am having the time of my life. 

But, for a while I was stuck in a funk. Things were changing. I learned a lot, but I had to let go of a lot. Parting of roommates, even more extended time from my family, and the realization that I am on my own out here. Growing pains is what I call it. I think back to when I would wake up in the middle of the night and my legs were throbbing; I would sniffle my way over to mom where she would lovingly get up to get me something for my pain. A nice glass of milk and a conversation about how I was growing and these were just the growing pains. Now, my growing pains come more emotional and mental than physical (let's hope my growing pains don't start to extend my physically horizontally! That would be a pain!). 

This past semester or two, I think I had forgotten something inside of me. My love for adventure imagination. These old allies were replaced with responsibility and maturity. How dull life seemed to be. Thankfully, I can identify the problem now! 

So to invite my friends back this summer, I've got to make a good list for the summer. I've been aimlessly having fun, and I want something to work towards! I've spoken about my summer list, but I need to make it more concrete. Here it goes:

Plant a garden. I kind of already did this with my grandpa.

Volunteer at a hospital.

Visit every temple in Utah. I think there are currently 12 fully-functioning temples.


Hike Mt. Timp TWICE. We already have one trip planned in two weeks! 

Perform a song I've composed.


Read LOTR.

Read Jane Austen. Already working on this one! Reading Northanger Abbey.

Read poetry.

Celebrate Pioneer Day. I'm in the Activities committee in my ward, and we're having a Pioneer Olympics activity! 

Thanksgiving Point. 

Go to St. George.

Go to Arches.

Go to the Salt Flats! 

Float down Provo River.

There will probably be more. 

Here's to the adventures that lie in store this summer!