Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Music and News

Who would have thought that sitting in the Wilk for an hour would make me passionate about really anything. You go there to eat and socialize! Ever since my one digital civilizations class where we talked about incorporating music and politics, I have wanted to inform people about international issues through music. In case you didn't know, I play the cello. By no means am I extremely talented. I quite often get irritated when people try and swing me into a musical performance. But, this is something I am passionate about. I read about the elections in Russia, and how Vladimir Putin won the recent election. I read that it was relatively well-received, but why then were the protestors hushed so quickly? Were the polls really rigged? 

What about the Chinese self-immolation, or lighting oneself on fire, of another teenager? What were the social conditions that prompted his response? 

I just sent in my absentee ballot yesterday. I was excited about knowing the issues. How the United States and Iran are on the verge of war. The implications of cutting programs or taxes. 

I do not claim to be an expert on international news or even local news. But, for some crazy reason I believe that I could make a difference with music and news. What happened to music with a cause? I am so sick of a constant analysis of emotion. Don't get me wrong, I love infatuations and being twitterpated. However, I am afraid that's all people see in me. I'm afraid I bore people with my constant focus on relationships. If I write music, I don't want it to be my outlet for how annoyed I am at boys. I want it to divert my focus, and help understand the people in this world. Why they do the things they do. 

Well, there you have it. Don't expect much. 

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