Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 Things I Hate About You, Life

I've had a major mind-blowing discovery. And, it's hard to explain it all, but thanks to my friend Mason I think I'm starting to figure out the solution. First off, I want you all to know that I don't love everything. I am not perfect. And so here are things that just plain agitate me:

1. When I can't find my keys/iPod/watch/water bottle/wristband/camera charger. Like seriously, I am the best at losing these things. Especially my watch. You know, my punctuality has significantly suffered with the loss of my watch (this is a cry for a new one, my birthday is coming up).

2. People judging others by their clothes. I do it, we all do it. But, in varying degrees.

3. Hipsters. Nuff said.

4. Folding clothes.

5. When your fruits and veggies rot before you eat them.

6. Superficiality. Please, you don't "love me."

7. Finishing a book and the characters die with it. I'm not trying to be funny. I get really emotional; each character usually teaches me a good life lesson.

8. Blind dates. Do I give off a desperate vibe?

9. When people tease me on how much I study/do HW. I don't have the benefits of an all expenses paid vacation through college; therefore, I work my butt off to earn scholarships and an income.

10. The lack of guy friends. Or real friends in general.

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