You know what! I've decided: I'm dedicating this post to missionaries.
In fact, I'm writing this post as a break from writing my missionary friends. I forgot how many guys I knew that are on their missions! I am so blessed to know so many people dedicating two years of their life to share the gospel.
And now, I know one girl that is dedicating 18 months to serving the Lord and sharing the gospel. She is someone that exudes confidence. Her smile is contagious. But, not in a sickly way. In a welcoming way. Her face seems to light up every time she smiles. And her laugh! Her laugh's best friend is my own laughter!
She is someone that is understanding of others, even if they are not conventional. She makes her path in unknown territory with a fierce sense of faith that everything will work out. She is my sister, Chantelle Mary Rovelsky. The Lord has prepared her to serve in the Seoul Korea mission. I know that the Lord has prepared people there ready to hear the gospel from my sister.
I can honestly say I never imagined my sister serving in Asia. I always thought like South America or Europe!
If Chantelle is reading this, I do have to apologize for the mood I was in when she received her call. My dad unexpectedly woke me up for the second time that day from peaceful slumber. I was not in a very patient or social mood. However, I am proud of her. I am proud that I have a sister with a firm testimony of the church. We don't agree on all things, but we can agree that this is the true church.
I'm trying to think of ways she's been prepared to serve in Seoul, Korea.
1) Living in a city. Seoul is "a megacity with a population of over 10 million, it is one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world" according to Wikipedia. She loves living in the city of Salt Lake.
Seoul |
2) She's worked at Apple, one of the leading companies in technology. And "Seoul has a highly technologically advanced infrastructure."
3) She grew up in the humid state of Ohio. And Seoul's "summers are generally hot and humid."
4) She's mastered the public transportation system in SLC/Provo. And "Seoul features one of the world's most advanced transportation infrastructures that is constantly under expansion."
5) She's lived with mountains surrounding the city. And Seoul is a city surrounded by mountains!
Yeah, so there's probably more but how cool is that?! I'm super excited to hear her experiences with the language, the culture, the people, the food, and the missionary work. She'll be great.
I know that we all can be missionaries in our wards. I'm striving to be a better example of this by working with the less active, the investigators, and future investigators! Please pray for my friend Randy! Forget yourself and go to work.