I don't know if you've been paying attention to the massive refugee crisis that the world is facing. I'm sure you've seen on Facebook the backlash that Presidential candidate Donald Trump is facing with his offensive comments about Muslims and refugees coming to the United States. I bet if your Mormon, you've heard about the church's stance on assisting refugees.
Well, this is my stance! Look, I know that there's a lot to be figured out with refugees coming to the United States. But I believe that we can at least help the refugees with where they're at right now. Thousands of refugees are flooding into Europe. The staff assisting these refugees are overwhelmed with the influx of people. My friend Adam Steed is a coordinator for Mercy Worldwide and he's been volunteering on Lesvos Island in Greece to aid the thousands of refugees coming in through the coast. He says that they could use our help there.
Well, this is my stance! Look, I know that there's a lot to be figured out with refugees coming to the United States. But I believe that we can at least help the refugees with where they're at right now. Thousands of refugees are flooding into Europe. The staff assisting these refugees are overwhelmed with the influx of people. My friend Adam Steed is a coordinator for Mercy Worldwide and he's been volunteering on Lesvos Island in Greece to aid the thousands of refugees coming in through the coast. He says that they could use our help there.
I'm working with Regis University to get a group of healthcare students to go to the island and help with emergency medical relief. And just so you know, we're getting traction. \
I know that we can't save all the refugees, and I know that I personally can't convince Congress to accept refugees in this country. But I know that we can help these refugees in one aspect of their lives. We might not be able to fix their homelessness, or their security, or their financial needs, but I can help them with their medical needs. I believe in cura personalis, a Jesuit value in Latin which translated means "care of the entire person." I believe that cura personalis can start with guaranteeing these refugees care for their health.
I know that we can't save all the refugees, and I know that I personally can't convince Congress to accept refugees in this country. But I know that we can help these refugees in one aspect of their lives. We might not be able to fix their homelessness, or their security, or their financial needs, but I can help them with their medical needs. I believe in cura personalis, a Jesuit value in Latin which translated means "care of the entire person." I believe that cura personalis can start with guaranteeing these refugees care for their health.