Catch up in Biochem. That means study the class notes. Do the reading.Answer the hw problems I had. Correct my test.Study for upcoming test.7 hours. (Update: 2.5/7 hrs) -
Catch up in Physics. Do the HW.Do the reading. I'd say about 5 hours. (4.3/5 hours) - Nutritional Biochem.
Catch up on reading.Prep for quizzes. Look over class notes. 4 hours. (2.75/4). Still have some catching up to do. - Philosophy. Catch up
on reading. Send Dallin notes.3 hours. (1.5/3). Only have half a chapter left. Run everyday for an hour and text Jordan.-
Finish my U of U application (and possibly WSU). 2 hours.Only needed one. Have a great time in SLC with Chantelle on Thurs!-
Work. 14 hours. (13.25/14).:) Rounding up. Chores at home. Laundry&clean room& clean dishes &get groceries. 3 hours. (2/3)Write in blog.This totally counts.- Write my two best friends: Helena and Eleise.
Watch a movie.Plan out gifts!
Goals for this week:
- Biochem. Answer the HW problems I had. Correct test. Study for upcoming test. Group study. (10 hours)
- Nutritional Biochem. Prep for quizzes (finish reading). Look over class notes. Talk to Dr. Parker. (4 hours)
- Philosophy. Finish reading. (1 hour)
- Community Nutrition. Email about not being in class on Thurs. Analyze the survey data. Do a demonstration. Finish write-up. (6 hours)
- Physics. Talk to professor about missing class. Talk to TA to get class notes. Study with Steph. Study for test. (10 hours)
- Visit sisters!
- Write two best friends.