Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nut Sci

Well, I considered starting a new blog for this. Nah!

I'm a Nutritional Science major. So, not only do I like chemistry, but I also like food and learning about it. By circumstance, I came across the Nutrition and Dietetics section in the library today. I rented book there for the first time! Anyways!

This book showed me a couple misguiding emotions that lead to overeating. I really liked this because I've been there, done that! In fact, just today I felt the need to reward myself with chocolate and ice cream for the rad job I did today on my Calc test.

But, I thought I could show ya'll some false triggers to our hunger and then I thought I would try new things to combat these feelings.

Boredom: There's nothing interesting to do. I tend to want to eat in my boring classes. The taste of the food makes the lecture better! :) Or, when I'm waiting for something to happen. Or maybe I really am bored (though, I find that hard in college).

Solution? If life seems to be filled with too much boredom, find a new hobby! Meet new people! Or if boredom seems to come in classes, find something that interests you in the class. Try harder at really understanding the concepts and enjoying the class!

Loneliness: When there's just no boy or girl in your life! It can be hard. I know my roommates and I will sometimes spend our weekend nights studying or going out to eat 'cause guess who doesn't have boyfriends! Not that being single is a bad thing, it just can be overwhelming at times.

Solution? Surround yourself with people that matter to you. If you're really struggling with loneliness, call up your family. Talk with people. The last thing you want to do is start chowing down in your lonesome.

Annoyance: Sometimes, your plans fall through. You lose your assignment. You forget to turn something in. It happens! And you feel like you need something to pick you up. Cue in ice cream.

Solution? Life is not perfect. These things happen. What matters is that you deal with them in a positive way. Realize that eating--especially when you're not hungry--won't fix the problem. Think positively about the situation. THEN MOVE ON. Don't dwell on a silly little problem.

Jealousy: That girl is so pretty, fashionable, smart, etc. They are so good at their job. They get the cutest boys. Yeah, we all know that type, and it's never us, right?

Solution: To me, it seems like a life-long learning experience, but I need not compare myself to others. They are not perfect. Instead of eating away these feelings of jealousy, let them know how much you admire them! Or, ask them how they seem so successful. This will help you improve by learning from the experiences of others. Don't get discouraged either! This doesn't mean you need to resort to food.

Anger: Whether it be the test you didn't pass, or the boy who's a jerk, or a roommate, you are ticked off! You feel like food will adequately suppress this feeling. It will "temporarily" make you forget about the problem.

Solution: Let's be honest here: when was the last time this actually worked? Usually, I eat something in this moment of angst, then I feel even more upset with myself that I ate that doughnut. Or two. I think what I need to realize is that overeating will just make me more upset, especially at myself. Basically, you can't satisfy your emotions on food.


Need for reward:


Yeah, I probably won't finish these for a while. I'm super tired though, so I'm gonna go to bed. I hope this has given you something to think about. Remember, our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. He also wants us to grow, learn, and progress. Apply this to your health. And you body image. Realize you're imperfection are perfect in the eyes of our Father in Heaven. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bachelorette, but more importantly, a Princess

"Dude, Suzette! You're the Bachelorette!"

Huh? What was Eric talking about? I knew I had signed up for a Bachelor/Bachelorette thing at my work. I thought it was a bunch of guys going on a bunch of dates with girls. Nope. There's only one Bachelorette. And as Eric said, they chose me.

My theory? It's because my names rhymes with it.

Mkay. Here's what I imagine in a bachelorette:

Case and point.

Haha, just go with it! I've gone on one "Bachelorette" date so far. It was really fun! I went to my first BYU football game this year. And the guy got me the hook-up in the rich people tent with the catered food. Yum! 

The weirdest part is that I can't tell if those in charge of it seriously want me engaged or not by the end of this semester...SMSL (Save My Single Life)! 

On the upside, I have gotten myself bejumbled in a mess of boys and feelings. Wait, upside? Yeah, um, it's a mess. But, the more joy the actual thing will be after all of this. The awkward moments, the mess-ups, the forgiveness, the break-ups, the NCMOs, the broken wittle hearts will be worth it. I just want my future kids to know they're going to get the best daddy ever. ;) I'll make sure of that! 

I'll whip him into shape! 

But, I've got some personal training I have to do before I can even think about becoming a "professional trainer"/Kung Fu master.

Let us run with patience the race that is set before us. -Hebrew 12:1

I want to bear my testimony that every thing in this life is for our experience so that we may live with our Heavenly Father again. I know that despite all the pains of the single life, He wants us to be happy. And someday, we will be extremely happy with our eternal companion! Even if you have to kiss a lot of frogs, or endure the title of "Suzette the Bachelorette," I still believe we will all find Prince Charming. I do still believe in Happily Ever After.