I usually kid around about why I have a prejudice against this sport. Two of the guys most influential in my life (but that broke my heart) were skiers. Therefore skiing is correlated to my heartbreak, right?
Deep down I did actually want to learn how to ski. But, secretly I wanted them to teach me. I had this crazy picture in my mind of us on the hill, him looking up at me, encouraging me. My skis crossed, knees bent, and a crooked smile spread across my face as I made my way down to him.
However, that didn't happen. I actually learned with my friend Spencer and his girlfriend. Spencer taught me the basics, and then I spent most of the evening practicing on my own. It was definitely a bittersweet contrast to what I had pictured.
But, I kept skiing. I had an accident with another skier that night. But, I kept skiing. And guess what? I actually like it.
I learned how to ski on January 1st of 2014.
This is a year of much anticipated change for me.
This year I will graduate from BYU.
This year, I will hopefully buy a car.
I will leave another home, and make my home in a new city. A city that will hopefully provide me with more hope.
I will start pharmacy school. I will be doing a graduate program. To be a doctor. Dr. Suzette Rovelsky. I tell people that with my river guiding license and my PharmD, they'll have to call me Dr. Captain Suzette Rovelsky.
I've had a hard time looking back at 2013.
The year still started out heartbroken. Another lonely winter.
Then, I moved.
I moved to Monticello.
I said goodbye to two of my best friends that I feel so lucky to have.
I did become a river rafting guide.
I did volunteer. I volunteered at the TRC. At the hospital. And at the Crisis Line. Some really cool opportunities there.
If I thought last year was a lot of change...
This is my year of change.
Love you, Suzette!