Wednesday, August 3, 2011

(23) Days of Summer

I neeed sleep right now. But, I've been thinking about starting this blog post for a while, and I have finally gotten around to doing it.

Reasons why I can't wait for school to start:
1. When I buy clothes, I won't be thinking in the back of my mind, "Will I be able to fit this into my suitcase?"
2. I will have air conditioning! My family has gotten used to this. I have not. I feel 10x LESS productive because we don't have air conditioning. The humidity and heat just weigh me down.
3. Buying my own food (and not having anyone criticize what I buy)
4. Having a spacious fridge!
5. Getting on a regular sleep pattern.
6. Not having to work 30 hours a week at a sports bar and grill! Icky!
7. Being able to set my own hours for work!
8. Planning out my weeks!
9. Seeing my friends again. :)
10. Buying cute decorations for my apartment
11. Meeting new people in my ward! (I'm really going to try and focus on friendships NOT relationships).
12. Not having to pay for gas!
13. Trying new recipes.
14. Living feet away from friends, rather than MILES away from them.
15. Running at night!
16. Swimming with Eleise! I cannot wait to start some new swim workouts!
17. Going to the temple every week!!! I miss going every Friday night. :(
18. Challenging myself in chemistry
19. Wearing my new cute outfits to school/work/church
20. Writing my sister on her mission!
21. Going to free events on the weekends! Yay for college towns!
22. Not being the youngest in the area (I'm like the youngest in my singles' branch, at work, in my gym classes...)

(more to come)

Of course I have a list of things I'm going to miss:

1. My sister, Monique. :)
2. Lucky.
3. My parents.
4. Being so close to Kirtland!
5. The Singles' Branch. They're a really strong, and spirited group. They have welcomed me in when I thought I wouldn't find anyone to befriend.
6. Earning so much money as a waitress!
7. Being a light and example to those at my work.
8. Wing Warehouse. Those people grew on me. They are human too. They have their joys and insecurities and problems and talents and families and humor.
9. The Natatorium. I love going there. It feels like a jungle of possibilities!
10. All the Disney movies within reach.
11. Having my mom cook and wash my dishes and clean up after me. Basically, she keeps me in line. :)
12. Going to Wyoga Lake. Boy, I love my neighborhood lake.
13. Time to read everyday. Lounging around. Man, I have enjoyed reading so much this summer. I have rekindled my love with books.
14. The amount of Oxygen in the air. I can definitely tell the difference from Utah air.
15. The green rolling hills. You can't get enough green forest here. It's beautiful.
16. Having the ability to drive a car.
17. Cedar Point.
18. My friends. They were very understanding of my working situation this summer. And very patient when I didn't have a phone.

Not going to lie, it was a lot easier to write the first list than to right the latter. However, that is the way of life: You want what you can't have (at that moment) and take for granted what you are enjoying at that moment.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree hun!! I'm ready for school, but i'll miss home nonetheless!!
